I think they might do a lot of things… I just think that in the
long run, things will work out in favor of the secessionists,
assuming that we have overwhelming support from the
citizens of New Hampshire. Without the support from
that overwhelming majority those who voted for secession
would have their hands full trying to run a country without
the support of a significant majority of the people.
Personally, I think we should include an item in any
constitutional amendment or law that says we need
75% or even 80% voter approval… not a simple
As to financial situation… there would be considerable
difficulties at first. I think that we should become
financially independent PRIOR to any secession
vote. I also think that we should have our own
banking system, phone and internet connections
that will work without the satellites, and a communication
system that will be able to contact a network outside
of the state, perhaps HAM radio operators, or other
radio, and television too. Those signals will cross
state boundaries, and can be operated from regular
towers, like the old days.
I would say that plans should be made for these
things, but that if implemented too early, would
probably stimulate federal action against us as a
precautionary (and pre-emptive) step on their part.
We should probably make sure that there is enough
food available to last at least over the winter, canned
food or whatever.
We would also want to have internally available
energy systems in place. We can do without
gas, but electric is important. There is nothing
gas can do that electric can’t.
We should also have plans and personnel in
place in case of an invasion from anywhere.
Civil defense might be extremely important.
We should also be able to easily and quickly
put in place the way that commercial
institutions react. Large companies like
WalMart would have to be able to immediately
incorporate in the new country, and actually,
those plans would probably need to be already
enacted the day following the vote. I.e.,
something that says that they will take effect
immediately upon a passing vote.
Border crossings would also have to be
manned prior to the vote, so that any
passing vote will trigger an immediate
transfer of control to New Hampshire.
There are other things, I’m sure, and I hope
the secession study bill passes, so that
we can begin doing at least some of these
things now.