“What fundraising should we do?”
I love the ideas already presented in this thread, particularly coupon books for liberty-friendly businesses, hosting dinners and banquets, and having booths are fairs and other events.
Hosting concerts could be a good fundraiser, that’s what I did at 18 and 19 years old. I made a good profit, after paying bands, rental space, and overhead, even with the rookie mistakes I made. One concert I organized included a successful raffle. And I hear there are a slew of good liberty-oriented bands in the Shire.
Playing off the cooking idea, cook-offs would be interesting. It can be tied into charity too, which not only practices what the LP preaches but be good for PR, too. The LPNH could host cook-offs for chili, chowder, burgers, pizza, or any kind of go-to foods.
Calendars of LPNH activists would probably sell in the “Live Free or Die” state. Calendars are usually good sellers. Given the Shire has a lot of attractive female LP activists, I know a “Libertarian Girls” kind of calendar would sell. Possibly a “Libertarian Hunks” one could, too. Derrick J anyone? That could almost sell itself. Or a guns and pot calendar? A Bitcoin calendar?
Having the Liberty Media Capital, LPNH could host a Robin Hood “taxation is theft” play of some sort. A more-libertarian version of the popular folklore. Starring the Robin Hood of Keene himself? From what I hear there are thespians in the Shire.
A comedy concert? An LPNH roast? I don’t know, I’ll come back for more.
All my suggestions tend to be things I know about and could help with.