FTL episode discussion

I really enjoy continuing the conversation after the show airs. Hopefully there isn’t already something posted like this, but I want make a space where we can continue to talk after the show.

Also, sometimes I want to rate the episode. I think it will be a great idea to show the producers of the show how well received the show was through the forum memebers. Just a thought.

Anywho rules are simple. Whatever you want to discuss about the show make sure you write the date and copy and paste the show notes.

Today I want to talk about episode 10.11.17
I wanted to say yesterday’s show was one of my favorites. I called in, I was hella nervouse so I kept giggling. The discussion was interesting! I love the interview we had with Rodger and the guest( I can’t recall his name- sorry). @Mark_FTL I agree with you I like the format you had with interviews. I enjoyed it and I like how you Segwayed it to the after show. I love this content. @FTL_Ian I loved hearing you curse and how you screwed with marks’s head. I wasn’t caught off guard at all- I was following you lol
Just thank you, great show!


Ian needs no encouragement. :slight_smile:

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I really want to believe that a “non-country country” could really function, but I get really bad “cult leader vibes” from Mr. Ver.
We’ve seen a lot of this before in libertarian circles…Molyneaux, etc.

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I Thibk Im more concerned that they are pooling money together to buy these countries. Who is to say that whomever puts more in the pool won’t act like a king?

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The vast majority of people, even “anarchists”, innately gravitate towards anyone who even remotely acts like a leader. So, what is there to do then?

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I really think this is a good opportunity to watch others spend a lot of time and money trying things I’m too poor and too chicken to try.

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Are they going to have nukes? Nobody takes you serious without some thermonuclear underwear.

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I can’t copy and paste the show notes- but I’ll summize the call. I called tonight to ask what the host thought about how powerful crypto is to changing culture and the way others think liberty and the state.

I wanted to continue to conversation by asking how does one go around reaching communities with crypto. @FTL_Ian stated that Keene is the place when it come to doing such thing. So @Mark_FTL, @FTL_Ian, @LibertyPenguin , what are the ways you reach communities- besides meetup- besides having them come to you. How do you go to them?

well, our crypto meetups alternate in location, so we are going to different businesses; and have had people show up because they found our meetup online.
In years past - until being banned - we had outreach booths at the county fair

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Why were you banned.

Ahhh changing locations, that’s really smart? So how do you you initiate a conversation with them( and how does it look like?), or do they usually come to you?

we never got a real answer, allegedly for chalking a hopscotch outside the booth… though when the Libertarian Party of NH applied for a booth at the fair, the application was denied because I’m a “known associate of Free Keene”… Party Secretary tried getting more details and never got a response.

Initiate conversations with whom: business owners or people coming to the meetup?
for the latter, someone generally sees the group and says "are you the bitcoin people?"
for the former: often someone from the group will ask the cashier/server if they take Bitcoin, maybe ask if the owner is there, explain that we’re willing to tip in Bitcoin AND in cash if they get a Bitcoin wallet. Some people use BCTip to leave a Bitcoin tip whether the person has a Bitcoin wallet or not

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Maybe I miss read what you wrote, but I’m specifically asking how do you reach people who have never heard of crypto, NOT those who have some idea and are interested in joining in a meetup.

Also, could you maybe do a Fpp radio segment about this topic? If I need to submit this request on the website I will.

One way is we’ve run ads in local media. Expensive, but it’s funded by the bitcoin vending operation.

Someone who wanted to spend the time could actively reach out to local community groups and offer to speak on the topic. No one here has done that.

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It would take a lot of venture capital to burn through, but the most effective way would be to actually pay people to start using it. Just like PayPal would hand out $10 for new users.

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The Church is actually doing that, @Jay. $10 in BTC goes to anyone who responds to the old media ads I’ve been placing around here.

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Look what popped up on my Reddit feed. BitcoinCash faucet. For those who don’t know it’s a place where first time users of crypto go and get a small amount for free- just to try it.

I haven’t used it personally myself, but the reddit people seem to say that the website is working well- just a captcha issue that they are working out.

I believe more in BitcoinCash so this was an awesome find.

If you could submit it through the site that would be great! AMA.FPPradio.com

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Done :sunglasses:

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