FTL Discussion 2018 Week 4

I believe the government protects themselves from invaders and does not care about my property or yours.

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I know the “taxation is theft” joke, but, really… taxes are what we pay for our government to help keep our civilisation intact.

It’s really easy to point out the problems that government causes, but it doesn’t take much to point out that the government does good as well. Nothing is perfect.

No net good comes from the application of a monopoly on violence. We have thousands of history that shows this.

OMG, how lame!

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i wasnt pointing out the taxes are theft, i was pointing out there is no such thing as “private” property.
if you truly owned the property, it cannot be taken away from you, for any reason ,without fair compensation as per amendment V . tax monies are “for public use” if you want to argue that point.

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I kinda fall in the camp of “you can only really own what you can personally protect”…that’s why I need a government to help me out so I can maintain my accustomed level of living.

I was once where you guys are with a “fuck the government” attitude, but it got me nowhere personally or professionally.
I lost 3 or 4 girlfriends, the privilege to drive a car and became thousands of dollars in debt pursuing a lifestyle where I thought I would be “free”.
Now, I’m trying to be a little more normal and happy.

The “net good” is mostly based on opinion…
I happen to believe that the government is mostly here to do good things for its citizens.
If you believe differently, perhaps you are purposely trying to ignore the good that our government does.

Nothing in anarchy/voluntaryism requires or encourages this.

No, it’s based on initiating violence always resulting in violence. I really can’t believe you’re a cohost on a libertarian show. Ian must have flipped his lid.

I guess I miscommunicated…
I started reading and preaching libertarian principles and that’s what drove away the girlfriends.
The loss of driving was because I became anti-cop.
The thousands in debt was because I got into a bicycle accident.
It is my belief that none of that would have happened to me if I hadn’t been so “fuck the government”.

I’m sorry if I unintentionally misrepresented myself…
I’ve never hosted FTL. I’ve been an amplifier for like 8 years or so and I’ve only called in a couple times.

This means you had girlfriends that were incompatible with what you were at the time. Not to make light of the demographic issues, but there are plenty of liberty men who find women who can at least tolerate liberty.

And unless you’re poly, it only makes sense to blame this on liberty for one of them- whatever one you were with when you started believing/speaking liberty. After that, it seems like a pretty basic vet.

I’m anti-cop as the day is long, and I’ve never lost the ability to legally drive. And there are plenty of statists who have lost the ability to legally drive. This doesn’t seem to have anything to do with being anti-cop.

HOW does being anti-government cause you to get into a bicycle accident???

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Who protects you from the watchers? The current reality is that the government or a crony capitalist using the government are the ones you need protection from taking your home or land.

I refused to renew my driver’s license and drove for two years without one… And when I was caught, my car was taken away.
Not having a car meant that the only way I could get to work was using a bicycle.
Any cyclist will tell you that if you ride a lot, you’ll eventually get into an accident.
I got into 6 different accidents in a four year period and one of them put me into the hospital.
If I had just renewed my license, none of those accidents would have happened.

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Realistically? Nobody.
All we can do is hope that we put into power those people who can wield it fairly.

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When has that happened? You must be familiar with the Lord Acton quote, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

Also the Stanford prison experiment.

And where in the NAP does it command not renewing your drivers license? Because if it doesn’t then this doesn’t have shit to do with liberty. This has to do with you engaging in a level of civ dis that you weren’t comfortable with. Nothing about hating cops necessities not having a drivers license.

If any cyclist will tell you that then either:

  1. ALL cyclists are anarchists
  2. This has nothing to do with anarchy.

So then renew your license. They don’t make you sign an “I don’t hate cops” affidavit when you renew your license. (And anything they make you sign is morally invalid anyway.)
