Regarding Socialist Greg,
The bottom line seems to be that he’s building an app to help turn communities into little socialist enclaves. I don’t give a damn if the people who run those enclaves buy up a bunch of property and use his little program to create coins so they can live their collectivist little lives, but the minute they stick a gun in the face of someone who’s not under contract and tell them they have to pay, they’ve gone over the edge.
There’s something wrong with the minds of socialists that they can reason where someone is entitled to become a parasite off of others. The reason children are “entitled” to room and board is because the parents created the obligation when they created them. The way they earn themselves out from that obligation is to train them to take care of themselves or find someone else who will accept the obligation.
Greg and his ilk use the argument from pity (a logical fallacy) in order to contrive a responsibility on the part of the general public which does not exist.