FTL Discussion 2017 Week 45

Visual representation of what @FTL_Ian was talking about last night (11/10)


Itā€™s silly to say transactions are using that much energy. Itā€™s just all the miners competing for blocksā€¦

Hey, I didnā€™t really get to get around to the main point of my call tonight. Thatā€™s alright, Veteranā€™s Day is a busy day for the phonesā€“I just want to finish my call here for all the true FTL fans: the forum readers. (quick note: I actually have talked about my intent to join the FSP on the air several times and to respond to the assumption about me being liberty-minded the answer is yes, but probably not like many of the others. I would identify best as a National Libertarian/Libertarian Nationalist, if such a thing could exist)

So where I(Dan from Nebraska) left off is where Ian asked what the difference between now and the past is as far as the young left goes, and my response would be that the modern commie youth are absolutely massive. They WILL undoubtedly have political significance in the future.

My concern for the present is the future. I am afraid of a future where all the boomers and many Gen-Xā€™ers have died, and now Millennials are the people holding all the public offices, being the majority of the voters, etc. At that point it will be completely hopeless. If we havenā€™t already joined the world govt by say 2060, the US federal govt will have become a nightmare beyond anything weā€™re thinking today. And thatā€™s saying something. At that point, what will New Hampshire be able to do? Unless they buckle down and work day and night on secession movements soon, itā€™ll be too late. What am I supposed to do once the socialists attain a certain amount of offices, and get moving? Weā€™re talking importation of voter blocs to make sure my vote isnā€™t worth shit in the future, weā€™re talking govt education becoming blatantly and shamelessly socialist as to make sure the next gen stays on the track of the Marxists. Weā€™re talking PC 1984 and a state with so many dependents that nobody can afford to try to fight back, shrink it, escape, anything!

What can we do to stop this? Is there anything other than helicopters that is an effective solution to the problem of socialists?

Free Talk Live
Free Talk Live 2017-11-11
Nov 11, 2017 at 22:38 Ā· 2:01:36
Christopher Cantwell Calls In After This Weekā€™s Court Hearing :: Scott the Bigot :: Veterans Duped :: Bitcoin Risks :: Military Recruiting Lies :: Military Suicide :: Buying Bitcoin :: Feds Blindly Hack International Computers :: Nasty VA Hospital :: Bureaucracy Failing :: Military Lover :: Former VA Employee Calls In :: Socialism :: Bitcoin Cash :: HOSTS - Ian, Mark, Will
web: freetalklive.com
link: https://soundcloud.com/freetalklive/free-talk-live-2017-11-11

Heatherā€™s got to go. She repeatedly preaches statist views, and drags the program down. ā€œRegulation is good?ā€ Why did that have to be argued for an hour?

Is the matriarchal political stance a bit scary?

Gender doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™ve opined that it seems Heather must be part of an affirmative action program, because she doesnā€™t belong on the show as any sort of libertarian. Iā€™d been of the opinion in the past that Ian works hard to get women on the show, which is understandable, since the sausagefest is not conducive to bringing women to liberty. Heatherā€™s one of two women, as it happens, Iā€™ve thought have no business on the show, and thatā€™s a fraction of the women who have been. If it helps, there were also men I felt that way about.

Too bad we canā€™t get based Danica back. She was best girl.

Iā€™ve had people tell me I am a wasteful person for using cryptos because of this. I wonder if this will be a big point of contention between crypto fans and those who oppose it as the markets grow.