FTL 2017-10-15 Discussion

Free Talk Live 2017-10-15
Oct 16, 2017 at 00:32 · 2:01:21
School Sucks Across America :: Forest Fires :: Public Schools :: Jews! :: Activism :: Music Industry :: USA Doomed! :: Healthcare Subscription :: Standing for the National Anthem :: HOSTS - Mark, Jonny Ray, Brett V.
link: https://soundcloud.com/freetalklive/free-talk-live-2017-10-15

My only complaint about those who are choosing to protest by kneeling during the Pledge is that their message is totally lost on the average American.
It reminds me a lot of when BLM thought it would be a great idea to block traffic as a protest.

What isn’t said enough in this conversation is that the US Government paid the NFL to conduct the flag worship overtly, to the extent of requiring players on the field for that worship. When people are going after the players for “putting on a political show,” they’re way out of line and they usually don’t even know why.

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I get that and completely understand why people say things like “magic sky cloth”, but I also have had moments where the Pledge and Anthem have made me tear up.
I guess you could blame that on the conditioning that I got in public school, but, to a lot of people, those ceremonies mean something important.


It makes people feel they’re part of something.

Just because you can think outside of the box doesn’t it make it meaningless.

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Me too, and I blame it on the conditioning. I’m past it now, though.

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Jay, I don’t remember. Were you ever religious? That works the same way. There’s a liturgical effect (it might even have an area of psychological study) where merely being involved in a liturgy as a rote activity causes a swelling of emotion. Such things are powerful emotional tools. It’s why anthems exist in the first place.

It can be meaningless and still pull on your heart strings, and I’d suggest that’s exactly how an anthem works, and if you’re cynical toward religion, how liturgies work.

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I have never been religious, but I am a Christian. I have never felt that way during a service, though I’ve only been to maybe 8 across several denominations my entire life. Though I can’t say that wouldn’t happen if I attended a church more directed towards my belief vector.

I have never felt anything by pledging allegiance to the American flag but rote boredom. Though I can imagine why some do feel emotional.

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I do think it is something that happens over time, and is especially effective if started in early youth, which is probably why there is an emphasis on the early start. I say this as a theist with 13 years of formal Lutheran education who no longer identifies as Lutheran.

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