FTL 2017-10-14 Discussion

Free Talk Live 2017-10-14
Oct 14, 2017 at 22:18 · 2:01:35
Americans Fearing Robot Takeover :: Christopher Cantwell Calls In from Jail, Describes Double Standard in Bail :: People Not Working :: Working Under the Table :: Federal Debt Payments :: Health Care :: Slaughtering Animals for Food :: Libertarians, Cryptocurrency, Women, Minorities :: Animals and Rights :: HOSTS - Ian, Mark
link: https://soundcloud.com/freetalklive/free-talk-live-2017-10-14

Feel free to discuss last night’s show.:grin:
I hope that @ALaLoca doesn’t mind that I “borrowed” her idea.

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No yeah, I love that you did this. :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️
I will say that I specified that we should do it all under one thread, but I’m down for whatever. If this makes more sense, and is easier- let’s do it :sunglasses::grin:

Well yesterday’s episode was lit :sweat_smile::joy:
I mean these host did not catch a break. They were answering phones left and right.

I really enjoyed the discussion about animal rights. I literally struggle with this everyday. The fact that I feel morally bad for these animals, but I continue to feed on them anyways.
I really hope the last caller calls back again, because he was literally rebutting along side my thoughts. I will say to the last caller, if he wanted to change the world idea about meat, like how we libertarians would like to about Liberty. He’s gotta do it through hearts and minds. I’m sure, just like the health craze a lot of people are moving towards, He wouldn’t have a problem doing that.

@FTL_Ian, @Mark_FTL, I personally would like to continue discussing the robot taking over jobs show prep that you all had.

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handcuffs & blindfolds?
wait… I think I misunderstood the question :wink:

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Please feel free to discuss it with us on-air, @ALaLoca - that’d be best.

I havent listened, but people working under the table is really common in my industry (restaurant). Mostly because of how everyone is short staffed and desperate for good help, but also because of how the hiring process is overly complex in a field where it is beneficial to job hop frequently. This also applies to people getting overtime pay under the table.

It’s also expensive to keep employees officially on the books. Workmans comp insurance, 6.2% Social Security/Medicare contribution tax paid by the employer, unemployment tax, payroll costs that you pay just to keep compliant, etc.

This is why we can’t have nice things. :upside_down_face:

I don’t know if I’ve ever worked at a restaurant where someone wasn’t being paid cash due to not having papers, either green card or an ID with the right date of birth.