Upholding ideals that are in fact meaningless to freedom like the Libertarian party and Bitcoin are fortunately being looked at as jokes by many now.
People that are in the quest for Independence in all aspects of their lives are coming to realize that it is not the political jesters that are a threat. Folks are realizing that advancements in technology and science are without a doubt the biggest problem we face. The biggest problem nature faces. Not that it wasn’t in the first place, but it is most obvious now.
This message is aimed at the few that might still be viewing these frivolous forums. I see many in NH that are practicing Independence and sure as hell aren’t part of the Shire or FSP. Maybe only a few Independence-minded people here now, if any.
FSP and Shire Society are nothing but sideshows, quite possibly run by the government itself. It’s becoming too obvious that these “organizations” have accomplished zero. If not actually informant platforms,they are reformist endeavors seen as a joke. The real march towards freedom is obviously not happening in industrialized,commercialized, overpopulated cities like Keene. The real march isn’t a suit and tie event. It isn’t being a jester in the political sideshow.
The fact that those in positions of “power” in these clubs think that anyone in NH takes them seriously is quite comical.
Nice rant Samm. Do you feel better now? Did you accomplish anything with this?
lead us forward samm
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can you post some vids of you doing it better samm
that would be even better
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Yah. I get a tee-hee from it. I enjoy,just slightly,any chance of antagonizing the 2 "I's"; Idiots. Informants. Both of which make up the "freedom" movement in NH.
When I really slap my knee, is when I consistently find,face-to-face, good folks going against the system in NH, who have never even heard of "FSP".
The title of your post is exquisitely written. It both captivated me and set my expectations high for your analysis of why these two groups have failed in precisely these three ways. I only wish you tried to deliver on your editorial promise. As it stands, I learned less about your ideas and more your disposition, which is as uninteresting to me as mine is to you.
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