OK, so there’s a problem with Boot-Lickers in the FSP. Seems to me like pointing them out and making their tactics visible to all within the Shire & FSP would be a good thing to do.
So we’re mingling with those that “support the 2nd amendment !” and “the thin blue line” ?
Do these idiot schmucks know where they are ? This is a gathering for real FREEDOM. Something you old duck hunters wouldn’t know shit about. I can’t speak for everybody here, but I would be glad to burn your stupid “cuntstitution” and piss on your thin blue line. You’re in the wrong place if you think you’ll gain any ground here.
You’re dealing with people that you helped to label as “extremists”.
I see what makes you old dubs tick. You’re no better than the stupid liberals: Brainwashed TV casualties.
Can we point out who they are ? FSP can not promote freedom with system-supporters in it.
If the SHTF I’m gonna get all the Depends out of the stores and burn them all so you will all shit yourselves. Are you all trying to operate out of RiverMead or something ?
Sincerely, Samm