I can never figure out exactly what to say in these introductory messages, so I'll attempt a rough overview.
I am a 27 year old who is currently living, working and going to school in Pittsburgh, PA. I am interested in liberty, egoism, individualism, agorism, objectivism, voluntaryism, anarcho-capitalism, etc, but ultimately I am just trying to carve out a little life for myself that just makes sense and is enjoyable to live. I am pursuing a graduate degree in human genetics part-time while working in vaccine research full-time and thinking about how I want to find away to expand my life so that I'm doing more than just work and school, so I'm doing something that I consider important, something I think will improve this world. I am inspired by what I see coming out of the Free State Project, especially what I see coming out of Keene, and I hope this kind of thing can go viral across this country. Pittsburgh desperately needs this kind of movement, and while I know the goal of the FSP is to get people to move to NH, that isn't really an option for me. (Un)Fortunately?, I have too many opportunities tying me here and a complete absence of opportunities enabling me to go anywhere else.
Nice to have you here.