Free State Project. Shire. All bullshit

You folks following either ought to know that freedom will never happen alongside a technological society. They simply can not coexist. Both “organizations” (FSP,Shire) are total bullshit and a distraction from humanity’s and nature’s real problem.

I don’t see technology as being the thing that keeps the state around. It is the people and what a critical mass of them condone. A similar example is slavery, as soon as it fell out of favor (the US was one of the last holdout counties to have it) it ended since the state could no longer socialize the costs of running down escaped slaves.

I agree though, you can’t use something to get rid of itself.

(BTW, I don’t think nature can have a problem, in fact, I think that’s an impossibility.)

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Just because two (or more) people are going the same direction doesn’t mean there are leaders and followers. Often, they’re just fellow travelers.

But what really separates a person who moved to NH for freedom from a person making internet posts about technology being a problem is that only one of them has actually acted on their beliefs.
And actions always have more impact than words.

“It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.” (Alfred Adler)


Many workmen
Built a huge ball of masonry
Upon a mountaintop
Then they went to the valley below,
And turned to behold their work.
“It is grand,” they said;
They loved the thing.

Of a sudden, it moved:
It came upon them swiftly;
It crushed them all to blood.
But some had opportunity to squeal.

— Stephen Crane

A free society requires intelligent, informed, and principled people. Technology benefits this to a great degree.

I would even argue that AnCap societies aren’t even possible until mid-21-century level of technology: instant telecommunications, reputation tracking Web-sites, third party quality assurance databases, etc.

And I think it’s the most high-tech freedom movements (ex. Seasteading) that are most likely to succeed. FSP could have still done good things with a focused local secession movement, but nobody listened to poor Alex…

keep us informed on how the seasteading is going.

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Methinks we’re just a Kanning or two short of a breakthrough… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Freedom and Technology.
If there ever was a time to start really fearing technology as a weapon it’s now.
No, I don’t want to install CoVid19 Apps. No I don’t want a chip inserted into my hand. No I don’t want “rushed to market” vaccines, no I don’t want to be identified with facial recognition, and no I don’t want my movements to be tracked.
If I have to choose between having the ability to send an emergency message on my phone while I’m hiking in the woods - and - enjoying nature without the constant tracking of my location, I’ll pick a tech free walk up the mountainside. Life has risks, but I remember not having a cell phone and I wasn’t restricting my life then. And just like that, we’re all being told where we can go and what we’re allowed to do.
“We’re never going back to normal”
Says who?
I’m looking at it as a timeline and I’m picking my “normal” place on that timeline and it will probably be a calmer less technological time. Old CB radios are cheap now. Can CBs be tracked? As I understand it, CBs can’t easily be tracked, especially if you’re moving. I’ve read some groups of Ham Radio operators today are going back to CBs and talking to their friends in small groups. Whatever gives me the most freedom that’s what I’m doing.

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Government is the problem, not technology.

It’s centralized government power that makes technology dangerous - a tool of dumbing down the population, and making government’s power over them absolute.

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It’s both.

Technology can’t increase freedom over the natural state.

                      No it's not.

The scientists are the ones fucking with DNA,VIRUS’s,etc…NOT the geriatric old farts under the gold domes. The technophiles are advancing the surveillance state, NOT the “S.T.E.M. soldiers” and other order followers.

Forkfest/Porkfest or whatever the shills call it, is a tool for dumbing down. Any "freedom" movement that kicks out Larken Rose is questionable with their real motives. Plus,what are a bunch of drugged idiots with no real skills going to accomplish ? Neither FSP or "Shire" are a threat to the state.

Go to your local farmers market instead to deal with potentially more effective people.

LRN discord. Bunch of cantwell-lite

That would be awesome if it was true…