ForkFest/PorcFest Radio Supernet for Attendees
A supernet is being created to enable multiple radio services to all be able to work together as one community network. Initially, the supernet will support Family Radio Service (FRS), Global Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), and Marine VHF radio systems. Connection information is below. Fliers will be posted around the event with the information for connecting to the supernet.
Feel free to use the supernet for general communications, marshaling of groups of people for a specific purpose, or for any other mass communications. If you are going to be using radio for private communications, it would be best to use alternative channels/frequencies. The supernet should be accessible using very little power (5 watts is way more than needed to cover the entire event area.) Please be a good band neighbor and only use the least power for clear communication. We’d rather be festing than troubleshooting technical issues cause by over-powered broadcasts.
Family Radio Service (FRS): Channel 5
Global Mobile Radio Service (GMRS): Channel 5 or 462.6625 MHz (use 462.660 if you cannot use 2.5 KHz increments)
Marine VHF: Channel 78A or 156.925 MHz
*No tone is required.
Other radio services may be added as equipment is available. Additions will be added to this post and to the fliers.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Fest on!