First, they came for the NAZIs: Cantwell Convicted, First Amendment Attacked

Originally published at:

Chris in Simpler Times, Acting as Security for the Hallowkeene Dance Party in 2014.

Today a jury at Federal district church in Concord, NH returned two guilty verdicts for “Crying Nazi” Christopher Cantwell. He’s facing up to 20 years in prison for felony interstate extortion and threat charges for telling another despicable Nazi over the Telegram chat app that Cantwell was going to fuck his wife in front of their children if the “victim” didn’t cough up information about another white supremacist. No doubt, it’s easy to hate Christopher Cantwell. He himself is a hater. He judges and hates other people for the color of their skin, their belief systems, among other things. He also hates himself. Cantwell is aware of his various faults and failures and he despises himself, punishing himself with drug abuse and distracting himself by hating others. How do I know this about him?

I know Cantwell – I don’t know whether he’d admit it, but I’m basically his minister. I try to minister a message of peace to a man whose name literally speaks to who he is – a man who Can’t-be-Well. He and I have spent countless hours together prior to and since him becoming a racist and Nazi. I have chronicled his story here on this blog from as far back as his early days as a controversial cop-hating libertarian comedian who was not a racist that escaped from New York to move here to Keene, New Hampshire.

At one point, Chris admitted that his formula in life for financial success was the more people hated him, the more money he made. At another time, he publicly stated that Christopher Cantwell was a “character”. I’m not sure where the real Chris was in relation to the “character” of Cantwell, but I do know his fall has been tragic and also entirely preventable. The government gang deserves plenty of blame as well, and I’ll get to that, but for now let’s focus on three of Cantwell’s biggest mistakes:

1. Racism is stupid and inhumane. – When Cantwell was a libertarian, he would have judged people by their individual actions and character rather than by their circumstances of birth. Sadly, around 2015 Cantwell started to become a racist as he was following an apparently similar arc by one of his prime influencers, Stefan Molyneux. Cantwell likely believed that he’d be so hated if he became a racist that he’d make way more money than being a less-hated libertarian comedian. He dove in deep to racism, destroying a ton of productive relationships. For instance, I fired him from my radio show, Free Talk Live. Cantwell had been one of our best hosts, before his fall to racism – he was really entertaining on-air. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long after he became a racist until Cantwell completely abandoned any semblance of libertarian thought and totally embraced statism. This turn towards statism also left him with the delusional belief that the police could be a helpful tool.

2. Don’t talk to the police! – When he moved here as a cop-hating, crass libertarian comedian, Cantwell was likely being watched by the FBI for his public statements that skirted the line of advocating violence against the police. After he moved back to Keene in 2015, he had an encounter in downtown Keene which altered his views about the police. In the encounter, KPD officers didn’t shoot Cantwell who had drawn his gun to defend a young woman from an attack by a drunken man. While it was good for Cantwell to stop hating and collectivizing the humans behind the inhumane role of “law enforcement officer”, it went bad for him because he went too far and actually started to embrace and trust the police. When he became a racist, he saw them as his future ally and tool of force to use to create his fantasy white paradise.


First they came for the racist assholes…

So, he started talking to them regularly, from a local KPD sergeant to FBI agents including Phil Christiana, the longtime investigator of various libertarian activists in Keene. Ultimately, Cantwell’s habit of chatting with cops led to him being charged and convicted as a political prisoner. Based on testimony I witnessed during a federal bail hearing and further testimony at trial – which was covered in detail by Hilary Sargent – it’s clear Cantwell sunk his own case. First, by admitting to the FBI that he was the person behind the account-in-question on Telegram and then further by using the term “threat” to describe the obviously hyperbolic chat in an email to his “friend” at Keene Police. Without claiming the account in his talks with the FBI, there may have been no way to prove it was Cantwell behind the account. As one agent admitted under oath at the bail hearing, Telegram is not operating servers in the United States and the agents can’t subpoena them for information like IP addresses for its users. Cantwell’s own admissions to police likely were factors that sealed his fate in this case. Never talk to cops.

3. Don’t make haters your hobby. Ignore them as best you can. – With publicity comes haters, it’s just part of life. Per his life plan, Cantwell relished every opportunity to engage his haters in the hopes they would hate him even more, and spread his product around. At one time his product was a libertarian radio show and various blog posts. He had his haters in his libertarian days, but it wasn’t until after he became a racist that he met haters willing to sink even lower than Cantwell himself. Always a divisive figure, but intelligent and well-spoken, Cantwell quickly rose to prominence in the white nationalist community. True to his form, he got into internet conflict with various racist people and groups including the “Bowl Patrol”, a group of Nazis that were even more detestable in their opinions than Cantwell, if that’s possible. The group took its name from the haircut of Dylan Roof, the mass murderer at a church in South Carolina some years ago. Originally Cantwell fans, their honeymoon with Cantwell ended and they turned on each other. Bowl Patrol raided Cantwell’s phone lines incessantly with awful prank calls during his online radio show, among other online targetings. The point is, Cantwell became obsessed with them, trying to identify who the members were and spending time telling the police all about his issues with them. At one point Cantwell even called Child Protective Services on “CheddarMane” aka Benjamin Lambert, the supposed “victim” in the case in which Cantwell was convicted today. Had Cantwell just ignored and blocked the haters rather than engage them, none of this would ever have happened.

Political Prisoner, Christopher Cantwell

Political Prisoner, Christopher Cantwell

Cantwell’s tragic myriad of errors aside, the Federal government gang deserves plenty of blame here too. Cantwell’s ridiculous “threat” to have sex with the wife of another Nazi is clearly just tough talk from a keyboard warrior. Anyone who knows Cantwell around here knows he’d never follow through on such a promise and has seen him say much worse online to various other people over the years. His old business card from his libertarian days used to proudly proclaim him as an “Anarchist Atheist Asshole”. People say mean things on the internet all the time, whether it be trash talking between players in an online game or just people going too far in whatever conflicts they are having with each other. The fact that a couple of racist scumbags having a spat on the internet resulted in criminal charges and now a conviction for one of them is very disturbing precedent against free speech.

Keep in mind that not even Lambert, the supposed “victim” here, thought much of what Cantwell said. Lambert never reported it to the police. According to testimony, an FBI agent assigned to watch the Bowl Patrol saw a screenshot of Lambert and Cantwell’s chat posted to an online Bowl Patrol group the agent had been assigned to watch. The federal gang used the information to bring felony charges of “transmitting extortionate communications” and “threatening to injure property or reputation” against Cantwell, raided and searched his home, and jailed him without bail pending trial. Now with a jury’s conviction, Cantwell will be sentenced to federal prison on January 4th, 2021. He says the sentencing guidelines could result in several years behind bars, though there is no minimum sentence. To be clear, in the supposed “land of the free”, a man now faces a maximum of 20 years in prison for internet tough talk.

“First they came for the Nazis”, to borrow a concept from the classic anti-war poem by Pastor Martin Niemoller. The poem was written about the Nazis rounding up – and ultimate extermination – of various groups of people in Germany, so it’s ironic that now they have become the victim of history repeating itself. That is the real story here. The federal gang’s attack on freedom of speech online is clear to those of us who are able to look past how ugly a person Cantwell is. We know that freedom of speech for the detestable must be defended, or all unpopular speech is at risk. That is the reason why Cantwell is a political prisoner. His prosecution is an opening salvo against the freedom of speech.

It wasn’t just the free speech of racists that has been under attack recently. We’ve seen the entire set of rights supposedly protected by the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights under fire this year, all “due to COVID”. Various state gangs have locked people down and prohibited gatherings in violation of the right to assemble and the right to religion. The right to petition for redress of grievances has been made more difficult now with various government meetings now happening online, it’s harder than ever to exercise your supposed right to physically observe and participate. Finally, my experience at the Federal church building in Concord this week made it clear there’s also an active attack on freedom of the press.

Cantwell Storms Out of Studio

Cantwell Storms Out of Studio During “She-Male vs NAZI”.

I had tried to attend Cantwell’s first day of trial as a member of the supposedly “free press”, but was prohibited from entering unless I would go through the state religion’s new ritual of masking one’s face. Given I have both a religious objection and medical objection to said masks, I wrote a motion to the robed priest-judge pointing out my medical and religious reasons for not wearing the masks. I also identified myself as media and requested the robed man allow the trial to be viewed online if he was going to deny my supposed right to access the supposedly public trial. The motion was denied.

The robed man, Paul J Barbadoro said they would set up a special viewing room in the court just for me and I would not have to wear my mask in the room, but demanded that I wear a mask in the hallways of the building if I were to accept the viewing room offer. They couldn’t possibly allow someone to walk around the building without a mask on – what would people think? It could break their precious illusion of total compliance. Given my objection is to the wearing of the mask at all, obviously wearing it in the hallways is completely unacceptable, so I filed an objection and motion to reconsider, which was also denied. You can see both of my motions here. This, while I am also a plaintiff in a federal lawsuit filed in the very same court building – against mask mandates! So, only the Masked Media is allowed to see “public” trials in the federal church building now. All the COVID crackdowns have created two classes of serfs, the privileged mask people and the lower-class unmasked. The first amendment has been thrown in the trash and many will cheer it on, until their group is next to be targeted. By then, it will be too late.

Our best answer is to secede New Hampshire from the United States as soon as we can, as recently suggested by Cheshire County Sheriff candidate Aria DiMezzo. Were she Sheriff during Cantwell’s arrest, DiMezzo says she would have arrested the federal agents for even setting foot in Cheshire County without her permission. Cantwell had been a guest on her internet radio show last year and amusingly stormed out of the studio during their episode, “She-Male vs NAZI”. I asked her to comment for the story and she said, “Anyone who knew Chris Cantwell knew that his career was not just circling the drain, but was beyond recovery. Nazi groups are full of infighting, and he’d lost enough of their support that he was the sacrificial lamb for the FBI to appear to be doing something useful. So they did what predators always do: they targeted the weakest one, and that was Chris. They are doing nothing about the groups that idolize Dylan Roof and Brenton Tarrant. Instead they went after the Nazi that even other Nazis have disavowed, effectively for saying what we hear kids say in gaming voice chats…This was a waste of everyone’s time, and Chris should be released.”