" " We can stop these funds in Fiscal Committee.
This contract still needs to be approved by the Fiscal Committee. Mark your calendar: Their next meeting is Nov. 19, 2021 at 10:00 AM and we want to pack the room at the State House. Details and calls to action forthcoming, but you can get a jump start by emailing the committee and letting them know that you oppose this federal corporate giveaway that threatens our state sovereignty.
karenumberger@gmail.com, Keith.Erf@leg.state.nh.us, tracyemerick@gmail.com, jess.edwards@leg.state.nh.us, prleishman@aol.com, Cindy.Rosenwald@leg.state.nh.us, Chuck.Morse@leg.state.nh.us, Gary.Daniels@leg.state.nh.us, Bob.Giuda@leg.state.nh.us, Lou.Dallesandro@leg.state.nh.us " - Granite Grock / RebuildNH "