This September the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire will have its first primary election in over 20 years, which will include the first ever contested gubernatorial primary.
I could give a lengthy comparison of the resumes of the two candidates; however, I will refrain from doing so. Instead, I will list a few of the reasons I am voting for the candidate I am endorsing.
I am issuing this endorsement for a variety of reasons. Primarily, I want the Libertarian Party to nominate the candidate who will best represent the Libertarian Party and libertarian principles: repealing occupational licensing laws, ending the War on Drugs, and depenalization of sex work.
There is only one candidate in this primary who I believe will not only do a great job representing the Libertarian Party in the General Election but will also campaign alongside other Libertarian candidates running for Executive Council, State Senate, State Rep and County Office. This candidate has a history of activism within the Party…
read the full endorsement here