Don’t upset Jews

Love & Freedom go together. Hate & control look to be linked. Although many , like me seem to hate control.The Jews seem to be after control from what I gather.

Pig fuckers ? :anguished:

Yeah, I think part of why I hate Judaism is because there is so much propaganda trying to make me feel a certain type of way about the jewish nation.

The Holocaust stuff is pretty annoying. Nazi Germany wasn’t any worse than the other states. They were just doing what states do. If you can see why Nazi Germany was evil, you should be able to recognize evil in every state.

Moses was a Hitler.

The Old Testament documents the destruction of the Midianites, taking place during the life of Moses in the 2nd millennium BCE. The Book of Numbers chapter 31 recounts that an army of Israelites killed every Midianite man but captured the women and children as plunder. These were later killed at the command of Moses, with the exception of girls who had not slept with a man. The total number killed is not recorded but the number of surviving girls is recorded by the Book of Numbers as 32,000.

It seems like there has been a pretty big push to create holocaust memorials all over the US in the last 20 years. It’s weird because the Holocaust has nothing to do with the US.

There is also this weird push at colleges to add “Holocaust” to the name of human rights and genocide centers.

Auschwitz survivor say current Israeli policy is similar to what the Nazis did. People think there needs to be a law against that.

At the event, which happened on Holocaust Memorial Day 2010, Jewish Auschwitz survivor and anti-Zionist Hajo Meyer, who died in 2014 aged 90, compared Israeli policy to the Nazi regime.

During the talk, Meyer said that “Judaism in Israel has been substituted by the Holocaust religion, whose high priest is Elie Wiesel.”[9]

Do you think $550 million of the US defense budget is enough for the jewish state?

Better make it a law.