Do there need to be discussion threads if there is no discussion?

Dunker’s been posting threads every day on his own volition, but if no one discusses, it feels a little cluttered. Your thoughts?

Seems convenient to me. If I am going to comment on the show, it will probably be in one of those threads.

This place should be a Safe Space™.

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I try to comment on every episode I get a chance to listen, unfortunately these days it isnt too many.
Perhaps they can be all in 1 thread or have a separate section for them.
I do like the idea of having them here.
Thanks @Dunker

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Maybe all in one thread, and maybe start a new thread every month or something like that?

Weekly discussion thread


Hey I Started the idea! Lol but dunker has been the awesome man to post them and being consistent! I love that guy!

But in my original post I had it set up to have it be in one post. I second the opinion of having it in one post.


@Dunker what do you think from the input received?

I think weekly makes more sense. Post descriptions within the weekly threads?

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seems about right based on the amount of discussion per episode so far

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That sounds good. I’ll have to think about a usable format of topic/sub-topic.
I’ll continue to post daily until Sunday, then I’ll try weekly.
Thanks for the input guys. :grin:

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If a topic takes off, we can break it off into a separate post.


If you don’t think each three hour show deserves it’s own thread, you may need to work on content.

Personally I wouldn’t post in a weekly digest thread. If I am going to comment on a show, it will be within a day or two of the show, not a week later.


Very true

He wouldn’t wait a week to create a thread, Blackie. The thread would be for the current week. You’d be able to comment right then.

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I’m more likely to comment if it’s a weekly thread than a daily thread.

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i think weekly is a good balance.if discussion increases it could always go to daily but i think all the days that go on with no comments just attract anyone to look at them whereas the weekly thread will have new posts pretty frequently and will be checked more. things that users say may incite other users bring up new they wouldn’t necessarily create a new thread on otherwise

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We should have a vote.


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Starting Sunday night I’ll make a post called “FTL Discussion 2017 Week 45”.
Directly under that, I’ll post the notes from the Sunday show and as the week goes along, I’ll post the notes from the shows mixed in with the conversation.
I figure that this will be an ongoing thing that will change over time based on usage.
I’m not married to any particular way of doing this, so any suggestions are appreciated.


FTL already gives more (and for free) than any podcast out there.
But another thing that would be useful is timed/bookmarked discussions. Will allow listeners to go to part of stream that they want to listen to. So major topics, possibly clickable, take you to that minute of stream. You may have seen them on some popular youtube videos. Not sure if can be done on soundcloud. Daily Digest podcast was good but its for different kind of listener.
Obviously its a lot of work for a daily show, over 2hrs, is also long to consume.

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Probably will never happen, sorry. No time.