DIY air filter

I’ve been using box fans with furnace air filters duct taped to the back in my garden for a while.

I just came across this improved design, and made a couple of these.


VERy interesting

I imagine this would work to pull scents out of a room as well?

Something like this would last for years as a post-filter:

I picked up 3 ferrets off craigslist. Ricky, Julian and Bubbles. They stink. I put their cage in a 5’ x 5’ grow tent. I have a 4" inline fan and carbon filter in there, and it exhausts outside the tent. It does a really good job getting rid of the stink.

I am building laminar flow hood for sterile work. I’ve been using a ghetto DIY glove box. I did some plant tissue culture work a few years ago, but it was too much hassle in a glovebox. It’s not cheap. I’ve aleady spent $500 on parts…