Create your own chat room?

You know what would be really neatto- would be the ability to create you own chat room on the forum. Is such a thing even a possibility?

I remember back in the day when forums were hot, where one could make their own room with their own topic and people would just have at it. I would love to come after work and jump into a room. I would be cool to see people create rooms for debate, social, or whatever.


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That’s basically reddit. Make a subreddit of whatever your niche is and have at it. Yes, old school boards (all the way back to BBS days) had them. Missed them until reddit came around but it’s never good to have everything in one place IMHO.

Not like Reddit actually. I’m talking more like an instant mesanger chat room. Free talk live has something like it on their website, but I’m more interested in having a room where you create the topic and others join in and chat like msm mesanger or aol mesanger. You feel me? Something fast pace.

So… IRC. Or discord. That seems to be a big thing now. Basically IRC with voice chat and emoticons… not sure how I feel about that.

a few people use telegram from here

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Hi All
I would suggest trying some of the places which already exist before creating something new.
There is the IRC chat room where people we discuss liberty, freedom, bitcoin, global and any other issue.
There are few interesting sub-reddits as well and twitter of course takes up my entire day.

Is that a private IRC server or one hooked into freenode or efnet?

not private but on mixxnet which hosts other online radio stream chats. but can log in securely if you know how to do so on irc.

I’m not worried about secure login. I’m worried about what they log. Everything you can dig on me is masked in one form or another, but un-encrypted chat can be logged and linked to usernames or even the way someone types online.

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Is there a place to post your telegram name?

I tried to chat with people on the ftl chatroom, I never see chats spewing out of there.

How do you guys share your telergram? Does it have chatrooms?

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Could be a lot of other, smaller channels or just people /msg each other.

If you’re in a chat with people, whether you know them or not, presume you’re being logged.


Oh, I do. A bunch of us an encrypted messaging service a few of us built just to text each other. I’m not even a black hat but who knows what the government or a private corp will think about me poking around.

Hi ALaLoca
It has its ups/downs.
However for a ‘freedom first’ chat, its actually pretty active as it gets. You will see the same names always logged on but looks like no ones chatting. Come in, say hi and hang around for a bit. Thats how IRC has always been.

If its shared online, assume its there or with someone forever.
You could always create separate identities for each communication forum but good look with that one.

For communication like this, I don’t. You will see my handle here, on TF, and other related boards. IRC can be an idle fest at times if the number of people is under, say, 100. Actually, I used to hang out in a few with well over 1000 that would still go silent at times.

I just got telegram so I can chat with you guys on here with more ease then the forums.
I’m still going to use the forum though. I’m so glad this sorta thing exist. It’s more community it feels like then reddit or face book.

Facebook is a trash fire and reddit logs everything but can feel pretty comfortable if you keep your subreddit private or heavily moderated.

What @Matthew_Perreault meant was that we use Telegram in groups here in the Keene area of NH. Those groups aren’t open to people who aren’t physically in the region. Sorry for any confusion.

That said, Telegram is a killer group and PM chat client that is available on multiple platforms. Highly recommended.