Contact Governor Sununu: re HB436

HB436 has passed out of both Chambers of the NH General Court, and will be making its way to the Governor’s desk after a few procedural acts. (See note below) It will take several days, possibly a couple of weeks, for the bill to be placed before Governor Chris Sununu for a signature. We believe a string focused campaign before the bill is in front of him could raise his awareness of the bill, and hopefully ensure the bill is signed. We ask you to take a brief moment to contact Governor Sununu asking him to sign HB436.

You may borrow from this sample letter:
Virtual currency is a new technology that has bright future as long as governments do not meddle with the technology and the industries growing up around the technology. Virtual currency would not exist if state governments tried regulating the internet in the early 1990’s. I ask you to not stifle an industry and technology that will bring an untold number of jobs into the Granite State.
Please sign HB436 when it comes to your desk.
— end sample letter —

You can also tweet your support to @ChrisSununu and use #HB436

When a bill has passed both houses, it is sent to the Committee on Enrolled Bills for the purpose of enrolling. This committee carefully examines the bill for clerical errors or formal imperfections. In case of such errors, it reports them back to both houses for amendment in those particulars only. Once the enrolling reports are read in each house, the bill is signed by the Senate President or the Speaker of the House. (This is an administrative function only and does not carry power of veto by refusal.) The bill is then forwarded to the Secretary of State, who forwards the bill to the Governor.
Because the legislature is in session, the Governor has five days in which to sign the bill, veto the bill, or allow the measure to pass without signature.

Thanks for posting! I sent a modified version of this sample letter.