Chris Cantwell Storms Out of Studio During "Shemale vs NAZI" Event!

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After saying he intended to stay all night if he had to, Christopher Cantwell aka the “Crying NAZI” didn’t even make it all the way through the first hour of his on-air discussion with Aria DiMezzo, the “Anarchist Shemale“. Once a caller called him a name he didn’t like, Cantwell was triggered and stormed out of the studio, bringing the “Shemale vs NAZI” event to an abrupt close. Here’s the clip:

It’s safe to say that if you leave the court, you’ve lost the match. Shemale 1, NAZI 0.

Also, kudos to Aria for not only defeating the libertarian-turned-racist-and-statist Cantwell but also for risking her Twitch channel being banned over having Cantwell on and allowing him to express his views uncensored. We were all certain they would pull down the feed, but they didn’t. Not only that, her feed made it to #2 in the talk shows category during the live broadcast and afterwards she was awarded the coveted “Twitch Partner” status for her channel!

Don’t miss Aria’s talk radio show, Call to Freedom, heard and seen weekdays 4-7pm on the LRN.FM Twitch channel and the LRN.FM audio streams. Also, if you have a computer at home or at work and are willing to help the LRN.FM channel get to Twitch Partner status, just click here for step-by-step instructions. Thank you!

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