I wonder if the Judge got a visit from an agency and got the situation explained to her about what the intelligence says about just how truly pissed off those rural gun owners got about this incident. And how she could help quiet that, for the good of the Country.
Glad she did it with prejudice, so there can be no retrial. Federal thugs own almost all of Nevada now. Hell, almost all of all the western states now. Thanks to the strange calif and west-coast fires they are scooping up massive property as bargain low rates. To think it all started with just the District of Columibia and a handful of federal courts in the various states. Here’s what it’s become, what a monster:
Oh, not to mention there were wild mustangs on that land that then fell under ‘federal care.’ Federal care means they were all turned into dog food last year. Tens of thousands of wild horses.
“But who will protect the wild animals?” Yeah.
Wow, I knew it was a lot just by looking at maps of (obviously) National Parks and when I’ve looked at buying cheap desert real estate, but damn.