
I am making cannabis infused vodka that can get you both drunk and high.

I don’t drink.

I am wondering how strong each shot of vodka should be. I was thinking 10mg THC per shot, but maybe there needs to be different strengths.

I am using Twenty 2 vodka, and adding my cannabis.

I am also wondering if there should be multiple variations with different strains.

I think my drink will be called Four Twenty 2 vodka, or Both.

I’d suggest at least offering 5mg (and maybe even 2.5mg). There’s quite a bit of variability depending on the person’s tolerance, and if they like to drink but don’t have cannabis tolerance, 3-4 shots at 10mg a piece would be a rude awakening.

Cool idea, though!

It sounds like an instant passing out elixir lol

What does it feel to be high and drunk at the same time?

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Basically, the effect of each will be stronger when they’re together.

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As I figured. Man i couldn’t do that. :nauseated_face:

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I’ve been known to make a mixed drink by adding a cannabis tincture. Of course that’s a tiny amount of Everclear.

That is all I am doing. Adding cannabis tincture to vodka. I can’t sell Both, but I can sell the tincture to mmj patients.

I make the tincture using 190 or 200 proof grain alcohol. Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts liquor stores don’t sell 190 proof grain alcohol, but you can get culinary solvent shipped anywhere, and you don’t pay the state alcohol tax.

I get the grain alcohol and vodka from the same source, the Northern Maine
Distilling Company. The difference is the vodka has distilled water to it to bring it down to 80 proof, and a state tax.

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That’s what I suppose the prohibitionists would call a huge loophole. :smiley:

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