Border agents arrest 17 people at New Hampshire checkpoint

The last two paragraphs are so telling-

Agents also seized drugs and drug paraphernalia, including a small amount of marijuana.

Earlier this month, a New Hampshire judge suppressed evidence against more than a dozen people who were charged with drug possession after being stopped and searched by border agents last summer in northern New Hampshire.

So, less than a month after having their hands slapped they’re back to doing the exact same thing.

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This is from “US Customs & Border Protection”: Border Patrol checkpoints do not give Border Patrol Agents carte blanche to automatically search persons and their vehicles, other then in the manner described above. In order to conduct a legal search under the Fourth Amendment, the agents must develop particularly probable cause to conduct a lawful search. Probable cause can be developed from agent observations, records checks, non-intrusive canine sniffs and other established means. Motorist’s may consent to a search, but are not required to do so.
If you’re near the US/Can border make sure you have your cam-corder. Know what the rules are that THEY have to follow. These guys are creeps roaming around in the sticks, Note the part that mentions “electronic surveillance”. Don’t forget, since we have this o-so wonderful technology to use, put up camo trail-cams to surveil this gang. (if you own land up there) Good to know:

[quote=“Jay, post:1, topic:10938”]
Border agents arrest 17 people at New Hampshire checkpoint
]Here’s something else I found. Upset that I didn’t already know this :
