Originally published at: https://freekeene.com/2017/11/08/bitcoin-not-forking-again-after-all-good-riddance-to-segwit2x-long-live-bitcoin-cash/
Is the Bitcoin geek war finally over, or just getting started?After months of buildup, fighting, and controversy, the potential forkers of Bitcoin have blinked. Thankfully, they’ve called off their plans to cause a potentially damaging and very contentious schism to the Bitcoin network. Today, several of the “Segwit2X” developers appear to have written an email…
The fact that we care all this much about this one coin is proof that letting it become more level with he rest is long overdue. The entire effort of bringing cryptocurrency into the world is being hindered by this problem-riddled high fee coin that has a hard time fixing itself. Sometimes old things are meant to die and be replaced by their innovated successors. Right now, we should be talking about Dash, ZCash and Bitcoin Cash. The reason we’re not it because BTC is sucking all the air out of the room. It’s too big!
Anything from a piece of technology to a cultural phenomenon needs to grow and be strengthened overtime. That Bitcoin is still number one despite having comparably outdated tech is really a sign of how immature the concept of crypto is.
I think there need to be deliberate efforts to displace it. At this point I am confident in saying that there is really no chance of it ever going back to something you buy your coffee with.
If we’re not in the flippening, it’s a remarkable imitation of the real deal. I want Bitcoin to succeed—it’s what I always wanted—and today it looks like if it’s going to succeed, it will do so as Bitcoin Cash.
As for altcoins, I also want those to succeed. I want competition to make cryptocurrency compelling for everyone on the planet.