Isn’t it funny how the controllers operate ?
It looks like Bitcoin propaganda is pretty big online. Convince all those in the “Freedom” movements that Bitcoin is going against the grain. What a great big fucking joke. Bitcoin is for SUCKERS.
If Bitcoin gains enough popularity it will require massive amounts of data processing that will demand more electricity eventually than the entire planet uses now.
Bitcoin, it appears, will be a big contributor to the destruction of the environment and atmosphere. The globalists know this and welcome it. If Bitcoin actually hurt the controllers don’t you think they would have already countered it completely ?
The reason they welcome this is because the controllers want the planet to be on life support.
Life support of the planet (GEOENGINEERING) will require that the current system of TECHNOLOGY will need to stay intact to maintain life on earth. This will guarantee power to the “elite” and will guarantee your continued enslavement. As uncle Ted (Kaczynski) has told us: QUOTE: “Third: When the Earth has a managed climate, maintenance of the
technological system will be considered essential for survival because, as
has just been pointed out, the breakdown of the technological system will
probably lead to radical and fatal disruption of the climate. The elimination
of the technological system, through revolution or by any other means,
would be almost equivalent to suicide. Because the system will be seen as
indispensable for survival, it will be virtually immune to challenge.
The elite of our society-the scientists and engineers, the corporation
executives, the government officials and the politicians-are afraid
of nuclear war because it would lead to their own destruction. But they
will be delighted to see the system that gives them their power and their
status become indispensable and therefore immune to any serious challenge.
Consequently, while they will make every effort to avoid nuclear war, they
will be quite pleased to undertake management of the Earth’s climate.” (end quote)
An article too : From article:
"The ascent of bitcoin could boost global warming to 2C in just two decades, according to a new analysis.
Cryptocurrencies have emerged in recent years as a novel means of completing financial transactions online, but experts have become increasingly concerned about their environmental impact.
The demand such currencies place on the energy system are enormous, and this drives up carbon emissions which in turn add to the overall global warming effect."