Bitcoin Cash Giveaway Thread

Thank you for your service.


15gossoquhPyAYrPvm3v8aAorw4EwiQgQL Aloha Ian and Roger - thanks to both of you!


Thanks guys! Keep on keeping on!

I tried this from my phone but cant tell if it posted so hi and thanks for everything. Free talk live has literally changed my life by introducing me to crypto currency. Why didn’t you be more insistent on your recommendations of it. You know say things like invest way more than you should, maybe everything, instead of “invest what you can walk away from or loose”? lol But seriously thanks to FTL and Rodger Ver, Don’t let the haters get you down Rodger most people know, that follow you at least, know you are a big part of what made Bitcoin what it is.


Hope I am not too late to get some Bitcoin cash, back when FTL first started talking about Bitcoin I was offered some for free and did not take the offer. Don’t want to make that mistake again.

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Thank you

I’m a noob looking for free money, don’t know much yet about crypto, or your forum, thanks (if I’m still eligible ) thanks anyway if not, john


Why not:

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If you want to REALLY try and tap ol’ Roger out, he’s also matching crypto donations at up to USD $20k. Great cause. What a guy!


Don’t have the slightest clue of what your talking about. Ian, you’re dealing with retards, keep that in mind before you spend currency. 1/100 of what you know, I will donate to Marks tasks, Uganda and such, as A complaint how do I give him money? I also want BCH to help him, to be critical wallet doesn’t as yet let me buy it. I want to buy more BCH, but have no way to do it, again, you’re dealing with neophyte morons, for the most part. Tell Roger to allow BCH transactions, or try too. Take care john

Oh no I think I sent you a bitcoin address not a bitcoin cash address… is there anything I can do?

Here is my bitcoin cash address.

Uh-oh. In related news:

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1DeZKbLLFkgFzYAusikhaSrr78kL9hNGUW Thanks for Da Bch! just rejoin the new forums, was a member of the old ones.


bitcoin cash finally got me to retry bitcoin



Free Talk Live, the only radio show that pays you to listen! Thanks Bros!


Because any other advice would be financially unsound? I’m not an investor and don’t know what I’m doing.

Glad we could help.


Just sent out $34 more in BCH to the addresses up until this post. That’s a total of $75 in BCH sent so far.