BARTER Society

I like many ways to put salt on the big leach. Getting what I need without the big leach involved too. I like the sounds of Bitcoin but will admit I havn’t made a big effort to understand it all yet. Looks like Bitcoin can have drawbacks ?
Have the organizers of this site thought about ways to promote more of a barter system for us all to take advantage of through this website ?
Many good possibilities:

  1. Getting what we need without using ANY money.
  2. Meeting in person with like-mindeds more often. Shires meeting Shires.
  3. Examples: Firewood from the logger for truck repair from the mechanic.
    Fresh eggs from the chicken-lady for maple syrup from the tapper.
    Venison from the hunting family for stumping from the mini-excavator guy.
    Plumbing for carpentry
    Solar hookup in exchange for DJ service at party
    Rabbits in exchange for a pig
    Hair doos in exchange for motorcycle repair
    Mow lawn in exchange for chickens
    Just a thought that promoting barter more THROUGH THIS COMMUNITY could be very beneficial in a few ways including meeting each other. Maybe an encrypted email system as well like on Craigslist ???

by the tax code you are required to report such exchanges as “income” . ironically its labeled “tc 420” …

So what.

you said

so i assumed you meant the govt, which in its infinite greed has imposed tax on all such bartering. it also has a tax on bitcoin (if they can prove you own it) called “capital gains” .

Barter is inefficient, that’s why it’s no longer used.


I didn’t get the message. Is the U.S.B.B.P. in town ? Doing door to door raids ? (united states bureau of barter police) ?
And I’ll differ with Jay. All though I won’t beg to.
How is barter inefficient ?
Example : The logger needs brakes on his pickup so he trades a cord of wood to the mechanic that does the brake job. Both parties happy. No tax involved. No money used. Old fashioned, yes. Inefficient ?, How?
Barter happens all the time and is pretty efficient if you ask me.
My idea to post needs and have replies through encrypted email would boost barter activity. Make the leach smaller. Starve it,you know ? :grinning: Samm

Yeah money was invented to fix the problems of barter in the first place! Not everyone is a logger and not everyone has a wood stove. Hundreds of YouTube videos explain this. (Search ‘what is currency’ or ‘what is money’.)

Just use a currency that keeps its store of value, whether gold, bitcoin, silver, seashells, or fiat (for the day).


Why shouldn’t money be used to barter with?


The market has spoken. People like money.

That said, people do like trading with like-minded people. was created to facilitate just that!


Thanks Patrick.

I love bartering… I wish I could do more.
Craigslist has a bartering page.

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I try to barter with weed, but everyone wants cash.

Sometimes I can’t even give away weed. Some people want it, some don’t.

Weed is excellent barter. Here’s a few other barter items & skills:

  • Organic produce : Local grown veggies,fruit,maple syrup
  • Home raised beef, chicken, pork,rabbit, turkey, milk,eggs
  • Firewood : Finished product or take trees down in exchange for keeping the wood.
  • Firearms, ammunition,reloading equip.
  • Lumber, Building materials (Home-milled boards, beams)
  • Cars, Tractors, Pick up trucks, ATVs, Snowmobiles, Wood splitters,
  • Tools; Woodworking, Mechanics, Yard/ Garden implements
  • Alcohol: Home made
  • Electronics
  • Car/Truck parts
  • Furniture
  • Permission to hunt/fish private property
  • Camp/ House rental
  • Disk Jockey
  • Tree service ( Skilled chainsaw)
  • Organic Gardener
  • Butcher: Wild game, Livestock
  • Auto/Truck Mechanic
  • Hair Stylist
  • Plumber
  • Carpenter/ Roofers
  • Electrician/ Solar Expert
  • Land clearing, Excavator, Bulldozer
  • Child Care
  • Lawn mowing, Yard work
  • Pest removal
  • Catering/ Party BBQ Service
  • House cleaning
  • Chimney cleaning/ Installations
  • Transportation
  • Pet sitting
    The kicker is swapping amongst each other within the SHIRE SOCIETY. To create more good relationships with each other in the reality of Anarchism. And more TRUST with those we are bartering with.

Bartering is one of those things that it has to work for both parties. So people only tend to want to barter for things they really want. In return, the person might not have something of equal need, even though it may be of even greater value.

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