Ask an Anachist

I’ve talked about this with @Mel before, and she agreed she would participate. Here is your chance to ask an anarchist anything.

My first questions is… is private investigation a violation of private property rights?
Someone digging through trash or scoping you inside your house- watching your every move…
How would private criminal justice organizations perform in an anarchist society?

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I’m a digital anachist so I’ll give a different spin on it.

  1. This would pertain to computer penetration. Yes, it’s a violation of private resources and sometimes property if you take the system over and they cannot use it.

  2. Same applies here kinda. Trash would be digging through your files and watching would be a hacked inside cam. Both are invasion of personal privacy.

  3. White and Gray hats would breach systems and close them. If any logs or braggin was going on, doxing, ddosing, hacking, etc… would happen to the person who penetrated the system. If it’s another black hat then anything is on the table such as carding with their card, take over of their system and the one breached, etc…

TBH, most of this already happens online. If you look at it from that angle, then it might mirror IRL although most people behind a keyboard are wary of IRL confrentation.

So private investigation is wrong? When you explain it like that I get it, it’s clearly a violation. But how does one solve, unsolved murders? I feel like this is a tough situation. Unlike now, in a anarchist society- you can’t just whip up a warrant when you have probable cause. I feel like it would be the victims fault for either, not protecting themselves, and they get murdered, or it’s their fault for not being in an area where there are witnesses or cameras in public space.

If you could have any super power: what would it be & how would you use it?

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If taxation is robbery, then should you be able defend yourself against the Jizya tax using deadly force?

I was trying to write a joke about this topic. But instead of ask an anarchist, it would be ask FTL. The question doesn’t matter, the answer is always the same.

Government is the problem, bitcoin is the answer.


Wasn’t this question a fpp radio episode? Lol

So are we gonna tip toe around this question :joy:

Where @Mel at tho lol


Possibly lol this guy. You know you follow someone too much when you read their catch phrase in their voice :joy:

Or DASH or whoever is the current sponsor-coin…

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I’ve always loved the idea of teleportation.
I love being places, but often, I don’t enjoy traveling.
I might start a delivery service with my power. :grin:

I think this could be settled with a series of private contracts. It would be complicated for sure, but life is complicated.

@ dunker Thank you for placing your opinion. Could you further explain the contract deal?

I was thinking everyone having private personal insurance that would protect you. But I really haven’t thought further then this.

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They couldn’t call it State Farm anymore, now could they…

This is when it gets weird. At some point, you have to have rules, which isn’t anarchy. You almost have to walk the razor’s edge to get what you want. Looking at it from a digital angel, we intrude a lot as it really is, still, pure anarchy. I think you can get close to it but never reach pure anarchy. If you did, it would be worse than the cities in the walking dead. Not right away mind you, but it would devolve into that. Remember, people love power. Just look at the RIAA/MPAA and all their lawsuits to do nothing more than retaining power.

So what you are saying is, there isn’t a good idea for this, it is what it is lol :sob::joy:

the word anarchy means no RULERS… one can have rules without (oppressive, non-consensual) rulers!

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I guess we could always move to outer space. As long as we had the bigger interstellar transwarp nuclear warheads.

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I’m terrible at figuring out legal stuff, but I’d imagine that smarter people than myself would be able to solve problems with some kind of private agreements.

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