Apple is a bitch

Apple made a change to iOS 11 which has impacted millions of iPhone users’ who use mobile apps to secure and troubleshoot their network.
With iOS 11, Apple has blocked third-party developer access to MAC addresses. Network utility apps such as Fing, NetAnalyzer, iNet and IP scanner used this information to let users see all the devices connected to a WiFi network.

On iOS 11 users can no longer use a third-party app to identify and recognize which devices are connected to their network. They can also no longer easily detect a device’s online/offline status.

Sounds like developers who used the MAC address to surreptitiously track users are the real ones who are pissed. Good for privacy, Android isn’t.


I got weed bits in my laptop keyboard, and the spacebar is acting wanky.

This is apparently a common problem.

This kinda fixed it.

Apple isn’t for people who know what they’re doing. If you know what you’re doing, use something cheaper.

I don’t know. It works well for what it is, and it doesn’t come with a Microsoft OS.

If you are looking to pinch pennies, don’t buy Apple stuff. There are better values. It is on the pricey side.

Apple controls the entire stack, software and hardware, so there is only one throat to choke for support. But If you have to deal with Apple support, you are fucked. The Apple store is one of the worst places on earth.

I spent 13 years working for one of the biggest PC/laptop/server manufacturers. I felt obligated to buy and use their equipment while I was an employee. I was also forced into using Microsoft Windows on my laptop. When I left it was nice to get away from that. Also, I like to get familiar with all the popular OSes, so forcing myself to use a Macbook does that. I’ve never really liked Linux as a desktop system. I’ve got plenty of Linux system, but most don’t run a GUI.

That, of course, is absurd. I’ve worked on DOS/Windows since 1983, and it’s precisely why I use a Mac. This doesn’t make me an Apple fanboi. There are plenty of things about Apple that piss me off. I won’t buy an iPhone because of their store policy and premium on RAM, which you must buy internally, for example.

As for their support, I’ve found it above-average.

OS X has had few meaningful improvements and a lot of negative changes over the past 5 plus years…but still not the headache Windows is. Android has a lot of flakey code too. It has a lot of crap that just doesn’t work the way it should.

I went back to Mac this year after 6 years after trying to build a new mini-ITX PC after my laptop took a shit Two weeks trying to get it to work and had booting issues (swapped MB’s and PS’s, and memory, maybe it was the CPU…). Anyway, I was at my wits end by then and decided to get one of the Best Buy $399 Mac Mini’s they had on sale. If I need to run Windows for my car repair or mapping program, I just open VirtualBox. 15 watts average power consumption is pretty nice too. I was worried about “only” 4GB of RAM at first, but it hasn’t been an issue.

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Right now I wish I had iPhone with all the security problems and Android’s manufacturers supporting updated.
Unfortunately I cannot run one of the FOSS ROM’s/OS on it because model isnt supported.

I work on Parallels Desktop every day on my MacBook Pro. I find it an acceptable solution.

That blows. Good thing I don’t run High Sierra.

Guess I’m glad I was lazy about updating because I wanted to reformat the SSD for the new file system, lol.

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I never install until after the first several updates, and lately, I’ve been installing around the time the new version comes out. Actually hadn’t yet gotten around to installing Sierra (not High Sierra) because I’m not wild about the GUI changes.

I’m not updating to 10.13.3

I use duet display

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You know they’re going to “fix” this problem on the next series by replacing the keyboard area with a touch screen.