Anarchism is the only way to freedom

Seems like there’s some clinging to the state happening here. Many here in the Shire need to know that ideas to beat the system don’t have to mean playing within that system. It will take breaking the “law” to become free. Not only is it ok to let go of what you have been taught to believe. Next to Love it is the most beautiful thing you can do. Don’t forget, Anarchism isn’t a system to adopt, it’s actually just the way things are and have always been. You’ve been led to believe otherwise with scams like “democracy” or “monarchy” or the one we are currently seeing “dictatorship”.(not that there’s any liberals or fascists here falling for that one) Another scam is the “constitution”. Open your eyes…All the way.
The following is from Larken Rose: Just as chattel slavery ended by way of disobedience, “law-breaking,” and occasional violence, so too will statism. There will be no smooth transition, no gradual conversion, between an authoritarian system and a free society. The belief in the Divine Right of Politicians is incompatible in every way with the belief in freedom, and those who muddle the two together (“minarchists,” Constitutionalists, political “Libertarians,” etc.)—or try to find some “compromise” between the two, even if they say it’s just a temporary measure on the way to the goal—are doing little more than strengthening and keeping alive the most dangerous and destructive superstition ever: the belief in “authority.” They are, in fact, prolonging injustice, in the name of being “practical” and “realistic,” when the reality of the situation is that all political action—bickering over who is on the throne and begging the masters for mercy—has never and will never lead to true freedom.


Nor has violence (or anything else ever tried) “lead to true freedom”.

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Will violence ,or the threat of it be used to lead us down a path to where we are controlled ? Completely ? To the point where we are no longer able to “defend” ourselves ?
2 paths can be seen. One leads to freedom. The other leads to the exact opposite. Would you use violence to avoid the latter ? Would you prefer that your kids have to make these decisions ? With the way things are going do you think the next generation will know about resistance ?

If you only see two paths then it is you who needs to “Open your eyes…All the way.

What is this path that leads to freedom and where’s the evidence that it does so?

More ways to control the people pop up every day through science and technology and legislation. Lawmakers and enforcers and people who think they have legitimacy (statists) make it hard to escape this control.
You question where the path to freedom is, and not the one towards “the exact opposite” because the wrong path is made easy to see and follow. It is “maintained”.
The path to freedom requires a trail maintenance crew to remove the obstacles.

No, I don’t question where the path to freedom is. I’ve been on that path for quite some time.

I’m asking what YOU see as the path to freedom.
For someone who constantly makes so many absolute statements this should be an easy question for you to answer. Instead, you’ve just posted more oblique metaphors.

You said: “2 paths can be seen. One leads to freedom.”

Please share with us this path to freedom that you see so clearly.

The path to freedom involves INDEPENDENCE to the system that is in place to control us (keep us dependent).
It also involves RESISTANCE to those that try to force said system upon us.

That’s the definition of freedom.
The path to freedom would detail real, actual steps (not vague buzzwords) that one would follow to arrive at freedom.

You have to READ BETWEEN THE LINES, because he can’t just come out and say that he thinks cutting cop’s heads off is defensive force.


A favorite of mine, also from Frederick Douglass: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress”

And…“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine”. Che Guevara

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A few folks here that can’t fathom resistance as a way to avoid being controlled. You will keep abiding because you use the threat of violence as the excuse to not counter actual violence. Right?, because you’re living under just a “threat”. Just because they’re not yet beating you into complying things are ok. You’ll keep obeying every law and paying every permit as long as they don’t hurt you (physically). The “laws” don’t completely control you…yet.
The Revolution was fought over piddly compared to where we are at now. So if we’re not at the tipping point yet, I really must ask what you consider the tipping point to be ? Am I amongst folks that will fight to be free ?

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Which revolution are you referring to that led to freedom?

American Revolution didn’t lead to complete freedom for the long haul ,obviously,but it sure did spoil the “kings” plans to control the colonists. Am I amongst folks that will fight to be free ?

The American revolution wasn’t a revolution. It was a war of independence.

Is being a slave to the king worse than being a slave to Congress?

. By the end of 1778, most states were conscripting men when Congress’ voluntary enlistment quotas were not met.
Read more:


Call it a “feud” for all I care. Am I amongst folks that will fight to be free ?

Go away, FBI.

Are you afraid I am an infiltrator because of brazen topics I use like resistance and independence ? Or are you afraid these real topics will attract infiltrators ?
This is funny because I had in my head that the real infiltrators here are probably the ones forcing the conversations towards meaningless topics such as 'shroom trips and video games.

Since “quotes” and “anarchism” are being bandied about here, I’ll share one of my favorite quotes. It’s from Ludwig von Mises: "There are people who call government an evil, although a necessary evil. However, what is needed in order to attain a definite end must not be called an evil … Government may even be called the most beneficial of all earthly institutions, as without it no peaceful human cooperation, no civilization and no moral life would be possible."