An old language for a new "State"

Anybody else here interested in Esperanto? It an international, “constructed” language invented in the late 1800’s to facilitate communication and help end war. PM me if you want to help form a club in the Manchester area

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what is the use case for this language or is it a solution looking for a problem?

I think it’s just people who like languages. I learned there are actually people who invent computer languages whose sole purpose is to make programs in the fewest characters possible, just for fun.

Well there are something like 2 million people that speak it worldwide, but mainly its useful for learning the theory of languages and how they are supposed to be put together with experts doing the designing. Because of this, learning Esperanto is supposed to shave at least a year off the learning time for other languages, especially European ones.

Its also supposed to be way easier to learn than natural languages; small vocabulary, phonetic alphabet, etc.

And, as much as I hate to say it, Liberals are sometimes right; learning a second language gives you a broader, more international perspective that is not as subjective and dependent on one nation.

And, personally, I kind of like the idea of a language designed to help prevent wars and conflicts due to misunderstandings. Maybe these 2 million speakers are Voluntarists and they don’t even know it yet!

And, I have already seen first hand, that Esperanto is an awesome conversation starter with people. It sounds familiar to people, but they can’t quite place it.

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Atento, atento!

I have found a few Esperanto speakers and set a date and time for our first Esperanto club in Manchester. People of all skill levels are welcome, all you need is a willingness to learn Esperanto and communicate.

June 3rd, 2018 at the Bridge Cafe around noon. Let me know if you want to request a time/date change.

1117 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101

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if you keep posting the meetings here, I will look for them
or over at :slight_smile:

The thing is that esperanto failed once but it was great idea to unite people from different countries.

a Croatian gal once told me she would be able to communicate with me better/faster by teaching me esperanto than by just conversing in Croatian. And I already spoke Croation! So I guess Esp. must be something special.

FYI, we had three people turn out for our last Esperanto Club meeting and some good conversation, so we will be having it again.

July, 15, 2018, 1PM at the Bridge Cafe on Elm
1117 Elm St, Manchester, New Hampshire 03101

I’ll have a sign or a green flag.

See you there!

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Do you want to learn it? Between the Duolingo app, books and word searches, I’ve found it pretty easy and fun so far.


I will be at the Bridge Cafe in Manchester, NH tomorrow practicing Esperanto if anyone wants to join me.


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