Almost forgot Memorial Day


So much Independence and freedom to fight for in this cuntry. They keep on pushing our kids to “join”. Fuck all you recruiters. We’re teaching our kids to think so they don’t end up servants and cowards like you all.
Also lyrics :

“Disposable Heroes” lyrics

Bodies fill the fields I see, hungry heroes end
No one to play soldier now, no one to pretend
Running blind through killing fields, bred to kill them all
Victim of what said should be
A servant 'til I fall

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Do just as we say
Finished here
Greetings, Death
He’s yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blind man

Barking of machine-gun fire does nothing to me now
Sounding of the clock that ticks, get used to it somehow
More a man, more stripes you bare, glory-seeker trends
Bodies fill the fields I see
The slaughter never ends

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Do just as we say
Finished here
Greetings, Death
He’s yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blind man

Why, am I dying?
Kill, have no fear
Lie, live off lying
Hell, hell is here

I was born for dying

Life planned out before my birth, nothing could I say
Had no chance to see myself, molded day by day
Looking back I realize, nothing have I done
Left to die with only friend
Alone I clench my gun

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Do just as we say
Finished here
Greetings, Death
He’s yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blind man

Back to the front

Veterans day. Don’t let your kid make the mistake. Teach 'em to be Anarchists instead.

A rational and fact-based education curriculum, without a statist bias, would teach the history 20th century warfare very much differently…

There was one big Socialist World War, which started gradually in the 19th century with commie anarchists assassinating many lesser-evil statists (especially Stolypin in Russia), and eventually taking over the vast Russian Empire as the Soviet Union - a ruthless totalitarian state ideologically committed to the Communist World Revolution.

The Socialist World War continued through the “Cold War” and to this very day. The Socialist World War overlapped with the shorter “Bankers’ War” (now popularly known as “World War 1”), which only intensified it further.

The Socialist World War peaked in what is popularly known as “World War 2”, when the lesser-evil statists of Germany tried to defend themselves from foreign and domestic communist aggression. That’s when American + British + French imperial bullies joined on the side of the Communists to punish Germany for its national self-defense…

The Socialist World War killed many tens of millions of people of every ethnic group (especially Russians, Chinese, Germans, Poles, etc), although for some reason everyone is fiercely focused on the “Six Million Jews” - an ethnic group most responsible for starting the Socialist World War in the first place…