A primer on Renner

Before I get into the necessary introduction, let me just take a second and express my appreciation for the initiative of every person involved in this project, for not only agreeing to a plan but continuing to work towards it without (much) pause.

(Point 1: Introduction)
My name is Nick Berry. I am North Carolinian by birth, and 25 years old as of this posting. I live in Greenfield, TN, an incredibly small town far north of Memphis. I am a short order cook, as well as a college dropout. I was knocked out of college due to residency complications, as I have a history of a traveler and have not resided in one place very long for much of my life after 16. I had double majored in Philosophy and Political Science with the intent of entering politics as a profession, to be the change myself I so desperately wanted to see. Regretfully, I failed. In lieu of that, I have begun to seek out activist projects, and recently made the decision to join up with the now-somewhat-dubious New Hampshire Free State Project.
(Point 3 How I found you) Shortly after, a fellow activist, Will Toler, linked me to your group. And here we are.

(Point 2: Why I am here)
I am here to try and network with the people that will be in my immediate surroundings in the effort to cushion my landing. Being an unskilled worker I have great difficulty finding work, because normally the place for such underachievers as me would be behind a McDonalds grill but I, for the life of me, cannot seem to fake normalcy well enough for those employee screening tests. With the assistance of this most excellent congregation, I might have the good luck of finding a job opening BEFORE (brilliant, right?) I move, which will allow me to work a deal with a renting group, and so on. All of this is to secure myself a good footing that I might devote myself entirely to activism. The noose of government is growing alarmingly tight, and I would like to see it averted before a single drop of American blood is spilled on Her soil. I could rant on, and maybe I'll have the opportunity to in some subforum sometime.

I look forward to interacting with you all, and thank you again for allowing me access to this resource.

Hello and welcome.  When do you plan to move to the Shire?

I should like to have things sorted out by February-March. I keep hearing about a convention around that time of year…

Yes, the Free State Project's "Liberty Forum".  Feb 20-23 2014: http://freestateproject.org/events/liberty-forum