A NJ refugee has an idea to encourage Mass Jury Nullification


I'm currently a NJ subject looking forward to getting out of here, and moving on to the free state of NH.  I have been posting on the Free State Forum, as well as the Freedomain Forums. 

I have been researching jury nullification, the protests on health care, the Tea Parties, and had an idea that I posted over at the Free State Forum.  I've never been much of an activist, but something needs to be done.  Here is what I wrote over there:

[quote]Like most freedom lovers in NH and the rest of the country, I am sickened by the rapid descent into serfdom due to the growth of the federal government.  And I think it should be obvious that finger wagging and yelling at politicians at town halls will do virtually nothing to stop the descent into tyranny.

I've been doing some research on jury nullification, and had an idea. Given the anger the people have at the Federal government, might be a great time to introduce the public to jury nullification as a way of getting even with the Feds.

It is an easy sell in a time like this.  We have an out of control Executive, a crooked and unresponsive congress, and a judiciary that has a documented history of doing what it wants, to hell with the law.  Only jurors, who are herded like sheep into court, poked and prodded for any sign of independence or conscience, and later manipulated into bleating "guilty" for all sorts of unconscionable laws, are supposed to take their "duty" seriously.

They don't arrest people for voting, but they do threaten and intimidate potential jury nullifiers.  What the government persecutes, is what the government fears.

I'm thinking of a PR campaign where we send mass emails and suggest stories to media outlets like Glen Beck on FOX, or emails to Judge Napolitano, to cover the issue of Jury Nullification, and how it can prevent the enforcement of unjust laws by an increasingly illegitimate congress and President.

I'm thinking of a campaign–something catchy, like "No Victim, No Crime", where the message to the public is that if there is no individual harmed by the defendent on trial, then Natural Justice, as opposed to the laws written by a crooks and criminals in the legislature,  Crimes against the State–ie. crimes of tax evasion, possession of weapons or drugs, without an individual harmed, are situations where the Jury could acquit, as a sign of disobedience.

Anyone want to help get the this moving?  I think we could use some help from FIJA, some drug legalization groups, and perhaps guys like Ron Paul.

Just imagine if the conviction rate dropped, but the authorities couldn't point their guns at small activists like FIJA.  What if jury nullification was an idea that encouraged mass civil disobedience for all sorts of federal laws–ie. drug laws, tax laws, etc?

Lets see if we can make it happen![/quote]

As you know, lots of FIJA activism happens in Keene (more than anywhere else in the world, as far as I know).  If you have ideas, maybe start it where you live.  Once you move to NH (later this year?), you can lead your effort here.
