1st NH Independence Summit for legislators and supports Friday October 7th, 4pm

1st NH Independence Summit for legislators and supports

Friday October 7th, 4pm

445 South Stark Highway, Weare, NH

“Live Free or Die: Death is not the worst of evils”

An Appeal to Heaven

Strategy session starts after 7pm hosted by Matt C and the NH Independence PAC

NH Independence supports, FSP fall weekend visitors, and locals are welcome

Pot Luck with outdoor grill available

Small, nicely furnished barn will house our group in rain and as it grows dark

NHIPAC will supply hotdogs

Contact the host Brian Becker at TheWearehouse.com or Russell Kanning for details or updates

NHexit.org - http://nhexit.org

New Hampshire Independence Political Action Committee - https://nhipac.org/

New Hampshire Secession - https://newhampshiresecession.com/

FB group - Redirecting...

NHexit.us - https://nhexit.us/

Liberty Block - https://libertyblock.com/

Foundation for NH Independence - https://nhindependence.org/

Free E-book from Tom Woods - https://nationaldivorce.com/

Podcast - NHExit Podcast

MeWe group: - http://mewe.com/group/5f9ef49c24d23950aef25adc

Twitter handle - http://twitter.com/NH_Exit

T-shirts - https://gearbubble.com/gbstore/nhexit

Telegram - NHexit - Telegram: Join Group Chat

Shire Society NHexit subforum - NH Exit - Shire Forum

Town Hall Sundays at 1pm - https://meet.jit.si/NHIndependenceTownHallMtgAudioTaped

Blueprint for Liberty - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08X333FJ7/

Calendar - NHexit

Instagram - (@nhexitmovement) • Instagram photos and videos

NH Debt Clock - State of New Hampshire Debt Clock

(see Ridley odysee channel)

Youtube channel - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM_EMLwDtqxdLFkBmDCLocg

NoAgendaTube - NHexit - NoAgendaTube

Gab - NHexit / Group • gab.com - Gab Social

French site with great links - http://libland.be/North-America/New-Hampshire/

Americans United for Peaceful Separation - https://www.americansups.com/new-hampshire

We stand with these 153 Brave Democrat State Reps:

You are all invited to our Independence Summit on Oct 7th in Weare 1st NH Independence Summit Friday October 7th | NHExit

I’ll be there!

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this should be fun … Matt C is contacting people and organizing the meeting … I am looking forward to the party with our NHexit compadres

GoodGood I hope to squeeze in a talk radio call about it on the Manchester radio station before it happens.

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Brian says they have many tables and 80 chairs for the venue

If we succeeded in “freeing” NH from the “united” states of America, we would then be a separate country type thing, right? Wouldn’t that open us all up for attack? Or worse, wouldn’t that allow them to ship ALL of the illegal immigrants here, because it’s no longer protected by the “state”? With countries dumping their prisons on our southern border, wouldn’t it make sense to form a militia first? That way, we know we can protect our borders BEFORE we try to secede?

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that sounds like a great bunch of questions for their own threads … since this is for the event
Are you going to be there? We can answer them in person.

I want to, but I work night shifts and start at 2pm on Friday, that why I posted my questions here, so that hopefully I can still get answers. Because if it’s actually safe, then I’m all in. Even if it’s only like 70% safe, I’m in. But I need to know the real gameplan and contingencies to make an informed decision, that’s all.

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aha I think Ridley or I can start another thread and give it a go

Thanks Natasha. Little neutral Costa Rica doesn’t have an army or major ally… they’re in a rough neighborhood…and they do great. So that means some of this stuff can be done. Not sure about their immigration practices.

Right now NH has open borders with Mass. and Mississippi. Despite the grumbling about Mass. migrants, the available polling all indicates that a plurality of them are Republicans (which generally means they vote against big government at the state/local level). I’ve never heard anyone here complain about Missisippi migrants despite the wide rich-poor gap. So I’m not convinced immigration would be a problem and don’t favor any taxpayer expense to stop it. Maybe if Washington pulled a Stalin or Castro on us and shipped a bunch of people here that could be a problem. Stalin imported a lot of Russian civilians to Latvia and Ukraine, to undermine the locals. But Stalin had to rule places to do that on a large scale if I understand my history correctly… he didn’t do that nearly as much while they were independent. I guess Castro did it remotely to Florida.

It could be a real opportunity to open up the border with Quebec…right now we barely have a road crossing. It’s good to be wondering about these problems and looking for solutions. But we’re not competing with perfect here…right now we’ve got a torture chamber government ruling NH from D.C. and its boot is already on our chest.


an opposing Dem Rep … posted this interesting op ed:

“Times change. Enough Free State activists and other far-right extremists have infiltrated the New Hampshire Republican Party with their own uncompromising agendas that we can no longer expect bipartisan cooperation, forcing us to choose sides on even the most basic concerns.”

Thank you, that really helped clear things up:)

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"Free State activists and other far-right extremists have infiltrated the New Hampshire Republican Party with their own uncompromising agendas "

LOL I’m sure they’d flock to vote for Republicans if the GOP would just “compromise” with them now and then. Also, an “extremist” is one who believes so strongly in something they’re willing to tax you over it.

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good, keep the questions coming NT… that’s why we have this movement, to get people raising questions and proposing solutions for the disruptions which independence would create

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NH Independence Huddle of State Reps

Nov 15th 6PM Murphy’s Taproom Meeting Room (Manchester)
