Hello Keene,
I have been aware of the porcupines for a few years now and I am contemplating moving to Keene (or near to) in a year or two. I will be visiting NH and Keene for the first time Dec 11th to check things out (Jobs, housing, atmosphere etc.)
A little about me: I'm 29 and working as a bodyman/ mechanic for a bus company. I've been pretty active in a local tea party.
I'm tired of fighting my communist union, tired of fighting NY over every aspect of my life, tired of constantly being surrounded by moochers and looters. Would really just like to live my life freely, at the same time being active in either ensuring my liberties or expanding them.
Based on an individualized consideration of the unique facts of your personal circumstances, I strongly recommend that you move to New Hampshire to achieve liberty in your lifetime.
Thanks and you quote from NH Constitution is amazing:
"The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.
–New Hampshire Constitution, Bill of Rights, Art. 10"
Yeah, nice words - just don't fool yourself into thinking it means anything to the gang.
It ain't the free state yet, but I welcome your assistance in making it so!