Where is the hub of liberty communication?

And how do we safely communicate?
Facebook’s platform was so easy to use and so far reaching while all-encompassing, I’m finding it difficult to keep track of the different forums and websites I’ve dug up since leaving Facebook. As I create new social media profiles in hopes that one of the outlets will effectively take Facebook’s place, I’m finding bits and pieces of the “community” scattered here and there, as well as the conversation. What are your top sources of information/news and connection to the liberty crowd, besides this forum? Also, what safeguards do you use in your communications online?

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my dealer made me install Signal lol

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It requires a working cell number and smart phone but I use texting apps and a laptop primarily…Does it have a social networking aspect to it or is just secure messaging?

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Do people use IRC anymore? Years ago it was IRC with a VPN and/or Tor browser, but I wouldn’t even know how to do that anymore. All my tech-savy activist friends have sort of dissipated as I’ve gotten older.

Can’t resist replying to this. Hurt the system.
The time has come to take some bigger steps. Think of it this way: The whole invention of the computer was not intended to help you. It was intended to help “them”. It is a window looking in at you. NOT the other way around. Here’s something for them to look at: We are at WAR with the controllers. This is something we must accept. Their biggest WEAPON against you and all that want freedom IS technology. Many will die because of their choice to trade Liberty for technology. Your use of it enslaves you. Mine too.Although I am successful at breaking addictions. It is time to prepare to be without technology. It is time to STRIVE for a life without it. Above all,it is time to DESTROY it. Your (and mine) biggest weapon is INDEPENDENCE to the system. FREEDOM will never exist in the ways we want if technology continues. With that said,there are good folks out there fucking the system USING tech. I hold respect for those fucking the controllers. Other than that we’ll be offline more & more.Your best bet is to read TECHNOLOGICAL SLAVERY by Ted Kaczynski.
So to answer your question. Where is the hub of Liberty communication ?
Technology to the controllers is like water to the leach.

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Leah, are you asking about for NH?

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NH especially, but the general US also.

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Will check it out.

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This forum is a good place for NH, but your assessment is correct - there are many choices.

Try Liberdon to reach people from all over. That’s the hot new decentralized option. Here is my account there: http://bit.ly/FTL_Ian

For other NH communications I know that in the Keene area Telegram is very popular, but I don’t know what (if anything) they use in other areas.

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ah yes i have an account on Liberdon but forgot about it. See what I mean? Thanks

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Signal in manch, I’ve heard wire on the seacoast.

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I’m participating in an alternatives research group. Participants are trying a bunch of different things and ranking them. Maybe something recommendable will come of that.

Signal group chats are awful. You can’t identify anyone unless their phone number is in your device.

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I find signal works well for one-to-one, and group when the group is temporary+small+specific+known. Anything else is best done on another service.

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Tip: try using a feed reader to aggregate all the different communities in a hub and make it easier to keep up.

Introduction for those who don’t know about this tech.

Most forum software and news portals offer feeds. If a site does not, one can use various tools to scrap the site and create one.

Because of feeds, I think that forums are way better than chats. They make it a lot easier to follow hundreds of conversations, at least if your main computer is not a phone.


The Freecoast uses Wire mostly, activists here seem to like Signal for texting, and the LPNH uses Slack. A lot of people are still on Facebook/Messenger too (including myself).

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LPNH barely uses Slack


maybe it is the super secret lpnh group that has not given you the password or secret handshake :slight_smile:

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i was thinking about maybe trying to set up one web page with a simple URL… and have it list link to all the NH liberty sites, facebook groups, etc. Then everyone calling talk radio or carrying a sign … could put that URL on their sign or in their conversation.

we used to do this with NHfree.com but now it is not active enough , is somewhat biased against political activism and has off topic stuff on the front page last i checked. we need something that is simply helps people get to the NH liberty activity they like best.