New guy, hi

my name is brian, i currently live outside of chicago with my wife. We are in our early 30’s and have been a fan of moving to NH for a while. We recently agreed on a 5 year plan to get there. I am a heavy construction equipment technician, currently working at a big yellow machine dealership. I also have a side business growing and selling microgreens and vegetables to restaurants. I am trying to get skills together to run my own skid steer repair service in the future.

I am here because i heard about it on FTL. I am not on facebook so this sounded great. Also, i heard a caller whose is doing a cross country bike ride and wanted to reach out to him with my experiences. I rode from IL/WI/IA borders to New Orleans along the mississippi, 1300 miles camping along the way.

my wife and i are attending a wedding in vermont in early august and plan to drive around NH for a week to meet people, scout properties, get a feel for it, etc.


Welcome to the Shire forum, and thanks for taking an interest to moving to the “Live Free or Die” state. More bikers and campers - the Shire is the perfect place for both.

My partner, Darlene, has a background in construction, too. So we hope to meet you and your wife. We’re moving there this month ourselves.

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Cool intro - sounds like a good plan. Welcome.

Welcome! Im a chef, so make sure you hit me up when you get here with that produce.

Welcome from Porcupine Real Estate! If you need help connecting with some other folks who run farms or are serious gardeners, we’d be happy to connect you. You can email me at And if you have questions on real estate or what areas might be a good fit, we’d be happy to help with that, too.


Thanks everybody, hope to see you soon.

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NH could be a bikers torture for someone from IL or Iowa. :slight_smile:
or heaven since there is so much to look at

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