I am certificated and introducted

New-ish mover. Was around back in '16, then left, now back more permanently, hopefully for a while. I drive truck for a living, so not physically around much, but that’s okay, I’m based outta NH now, which beats my old state. freest state in the northeast.

Shire forum seems to be a nifty little gathering hub for some of the liberty community, hope to make some connections, find out about some important stuff and goings on, maybe get involved.

Found these forums while looking for info on SB557 I believe… many of you might be aware that tight regulations and strict zoning and nimby anti-growth zoning boards make it very difficult to construct and modify housing to meet market demand here in NH, leading to rising costs and increasing homelessness… sadly that bill got referred for interim study i.e. killed butttt maybe some1 here knows of ongoing reform efforts?

looking forward to these forums, mang.


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