Crypto for Beginers talk @ Forkfest Sunday mornig

hey guys, I am attempting to set up a Bitcoin talk for beginners a few hours before my wedding starts.

I have a bunch of wedding guests that are crypto curious and have asked me if any one will be talking about bitcoin Saturday or Sunday.

Liesbeth Van Lier (Christopher Gronski’s dutch honey, wife) has offered to do the talk, she is doing some online crypto currency webinars from what i understand.

I would like to do the talk at the Alt Expo tent, but it looks like they want have their tent till Monday, Jack pays for all the AltExpo stuff out of his pocket, so to add another weekend is expensive, for the tent.

Maybe the talk can be at someones camp site.

I would like some bitcoin veterans, too attended the talk and maybe help people set up wallets and show them how to use a vending machine.

@FTL_Ian @DerrickJ

Hell yeah I’m down for that bro

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