Where is the hub of liberty communication?

that is a good idea

That’s a tall order. So many groups are created then die. It will take some serious curating to not be stale very quickly, @RidleyReport2.

Not saying it’s a bad idea, but it’s a big challenge to keep it up-to-date.

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Hi leahxpearl… One way to continue to communicate OFF line
is to check out the Liberty Calendar of events. There are lots
of events every month, almost any day. I just don’t remember
the web address of the calendar.
The warnings about online communication are well-said.

I’ve also been mulling over how to establish “committees of
correspondence”, which is how the early colonies in America
communicated. These committees of correspondence" were
responsible for the first written declarations of independence,
which were later carried to the First Continental Congress
by Paul Revere to the representatives there. It was a year
or more later that the “official” Declaration of Independence of
all of the colonies was announced. I’m sure others here will
It’s going to take more thinking, and a lot of coordination. But
it will be offline.

Address of the Liberty calendar:

Yea, all the communities have a calendar and they’re all federating I do believe with the FSP calendar linked above. A few of our communities are using Next Cloud including the Keene community which is a decentralized calendaring solution. That’s a good source for finding out when and where meetups and events are happening in New Hampshire. We have crypto meetups and general social meetups like Social Sunday in Keene as well as random other events and clubs. Like there is a free stater “HAM” group for the lack of a better word.

Online we’re a bit spread out across Matrix, Signal (not optimal), Telegram (dated and not frequently used any more in NH). For social media there is the federated Mastodon solution which is a lot like Twitter. You can join our communities instance https://social.freetalklive.com/ and not have to worry about being censored (at least on our instance).

Here is a few folks you can follow:

You can get an account here:

For chat you can find out how to join our Matrix server at https://chat.lrn.fm and if you are in NH then you should stop by a Keene meetup some time and get on our more exclusive New Hampshire chat rooms that aren’t full of trolls. There are also some open rooms you can join that are not full of trolls though… here are a few of those.

We have a Forkfest matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#forkfest:matrix.lrn.fm

The porcfest attendee chat is: https://matrix.to/#/#NHexit:matrix.lrn.fm

There is a very active NHexit group if you want to get involved in New Hampshire Independence Activism: https://matrix.to/#/#porcfest:matrixtest.granitefone.me

While not New Hampshire specific or NH activist community specific there are a bunch of NH activist folks in our GNU/Linux room here that I setup for my company’s customers (good if you have tech questions and things like that, many very liberty friend folks):

We have a room specifically for those in New Hampshire who are interested in Goldbacks (physical bills made with actual gold used as a currency in New Hampshire):

There is a free stater “HAM” radio group on matrix here (also meetups happen in person to in Wear, NH):

I’d give ya a link to the Free Talk Live room, but it’s just a bunch of trolls. The real people have long ago left that are worth talking to.

There are a couple of other on-line resources you might want
to know about.

The following has articles that can often be found on this forum
as well… you can find lots of liberty-oriented items. The Free Press
is the only place I have ever seen anything about NH Libertines, that
was two years or so ago, and I haven’t seen any other info on them


Then there is a calendar of events sponsored by, and participated in
by, many business and political groups, including many of the groups on that first calendar listed above. It lists events that are not really government-sponsored, so non-centrist, and in many cases anti-authoritarian. It has schedules for things like NH “Country Fairs”, “Old Home Days”, “Gun Shows”, “Sporting Clubs” and “Special Things”, as well links to “NH GOP Events”.
It’s worth a look.
