Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski

Regardless of “law” or morals, if all technology (electrical) was destroyed forever, I’d be ok with that. I would even consider sitting back and becoming a pacifist at that point. Got the book coming !

We’ve already established that you’re free to not use any technology you don’t like. It doesn’t need to be destroyed for that to happen.

The question you’re dodging is why you think it’s okay to prevent anyone else from using whatever technologies they desire.

My aspirations for freedom are much greater than my respect for your right or anyone’s to use technology as they please. If given the chance to destroy Darpa’s ability to use technology, would you ?

Absolutely not! To do so would be an immoral forcing of my values on another person.
That’s the very antithesis of both anarchy and voluntaryism.

But it’s nice to finally see you openly admit that you don’t believe in freedom for others, only freedom for yourself. Just like all the statists to whom you claim to object.

You’re silly.
Anarchism means no rulers. We fight against evil too. Not all Anarchists are pacifists.
Darpa is supported by the “rulers”. About as evil as evil can get using technology.
It’s good to see that your false interpretation of things would prevent you from fighting evil.
If you’re an infiltrator, you should be demoted to park-meter enforcement or something.

And by destroying someone else’s tech you would be ruling over them.
The concepts of evil and pacifism are irrelevant to the term anarchy as it prohibits all rulers: good or evil, violent or peaceful, moral or immoral, well meaning or not.

1. exercise ultimate power or authority

“When humans no longer need to fight for survival, they fight for status.”

I’m sorry, Jay, but both of your most recent posts in this thread have gone straight over my head.
If you’re trying to make a point, I’m totally missing it.


Check this: For T.K.

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And it will get worse. This is recent :
They think they’re gods:


Pretty much the perfect spokesperson for the anti-tech types.

Here’s some valuable parts that are omitted from what Jay originally posted. Where chapter 8:“Hit Where It Hurts” left us hanging :

Maybe some will be annoyed that I reference Ted Kaczynski again, but I will anyways. Those roots are deep. If you read Industrial Society and it’s Future you’ll be made more aware of how the “power process” of humans in thousands of years of primitive society has been wrecked by the industrial revolution. People are experiencing many irritabilities because they don’t get their power process fulfilled by completing tasks that we have had to complete on our own for tens of thousands of years. The need to provide food,water,shelter,protection all on our own directly has been removed by the forceful hand of technology. And compared to how long humans have been around, this accelarated advancement in technologies is a huge shock to our natural evolving systems.
Most of humanity has fallen victim to this hand and is blind to the consequences.
Resisting this hand by living simply is a good goal and hopefully again some day a necessary one.
Kaczynski: • Human beings evolved under primitive, low-tech conditions. This is
our natural state of existence.
• Present technological society is radically different than our natural
state, and imposes unprecedented stresses upon us, and on nature.
• Technologically-induced stress is bad now and will get much worse,
leading to a condition where humans will be completely manipulated and
molded to serve the needs of the system. Such a state of affairs is undignified,
abhorrent, disastrous for nahlre, and profoundly dehumanizing.
• The technological system cannot be fixed or reformed so as to avoid
this dehumanized future .
• Therefore, the system must be brought to an end.
Also to read:

Ted lived in a connected world full of reality (Ted the hermit). We know some of his capturing agents (and many sane folks) actually envied him for his way of life (simple,alongside nature).
I think he was blessed with the ability to prove to us that technology is mostly responsible for our downward spiral. I love nature and hate technology and I think many others feel the same. Perfectly sane behavior. If it’s proven to be psycopathic, so what. Maybe the label-providers are the real psychos.


And all of that would be utterly meaningless without technology. As would statism at this point. Good point though. It is mostly true. Fortunately most of what I love and enjoy nobody owns. I am just glad the nice folks in the photo were able to clean up the drinking problem:

The Sobriety Circle & Triangle Symbol, is the symbol used by Alcoholics Anonymous. The equilateral triangle represents the three part answer - unity, recovery and service - to a three part disease - physical, mental and spiritual, while the circle represents wholeness or oneness.