Is that why those types seem to congregate around Portsmouth? It’s also pretty flat there too.
Mainly the southeast part of the state, which includes the seacoast, Concord and Manchester. Ian likes to say that Grafton County is where activists go to “die”, but I’ve found that it’s where the least amount of pretentious libertarian dickheads reside, though there’s plenty of lefties from Vermont and Mass to make up for them.
TLDR; but, Funspot is an awesome arcade with hundreds of machines, bowling, and a bar. Owner I’ve heard is a self-described L libertarian, and former state rep who got Live Free or Die on the license plate. I’ve heard one conversation on the radio in which a guy credited Bob, partially, for keeping that motto and freedom on people mind’s over the years, making sure it is everywhere.
Totally agree Funspot is an awesome arcade! I highly recommend regular visits.
However, the following quote from one of his statements in the NH1 article above does not sound very Libertarian to me. Republican? Absolutely. But not Libertarian.
“In addition, we wish to express our respect for the job President Trump is doing. We have conservative roots and have been supporters of President Trump since the beginning. We hope to see him win a second term in 2020. Make America Great Again!”
ETA: His support of the D.A.R.E. Program in schools (mentioned on this page you tried to link above) doesn’t sound very Libertarian either.
He’s a (drumroll…) BOOTLICKER.
Not everyone who supports D.A.R.E. is anti-drug; once upon a time Danny Bonaduce was hosting a D.A.R.E. event when he got busted for trying to buy cocaine.
While it’s true that hypocrites exist, I’m not sure it’s a trait many find laudable.
Edit: BTW, I am anti-drug. However, I’m also anti-D.A.R.E., anti-prohibition, and anti-forcing others to follow my moral code.