FTL 2017-10-24 Discussion

The previous was a reply to you, even though it didn’t look like it (I committed a crime against someone else by not pressing the right button, so I thought I should make that clear.)

I didn’t say that abortion was permissible in cases of rape; I said evictionism was.

No, because I don’t have the right to use random people’s bodies to keep myself alive, which is what you’re granting to fetuses conceived in rape if you are against evictionism in those circumstances/if you say that the women is morally obligated to carry the fetus. If someone shoots me in the kidneys I have no right to go to a random person who is a match and “use” their kidney. Because I have no right to random people’s bodies. However, if the shooter is a match, I do because he caused me to be in that situation.

They are if you’re saying that someone has the right to live inside someone else. If that’s not a claim against someone then nothing is.

There is no good argument against evictionism in the case of fetuses conceived in rape. Or if there is, I’d like to hear it.

Evictionism. :roll_eyes:

I’m not “granting” anything, and the fetus isn’t “using” anyone.

I’m pretty sure you can’t find me saying a raped woman is morally obligated to carry a fetus.

I won’t even respond to your kidney strawman.

I was clear. I said the fetus has the same right to life that you do, and the fetus did not choose to be there.

If you’re only talking about invited fetuses then we agree, since I said that evictionism only applies to non-invited fetuses.

In either case it is pretty conclusively established biology that the fetus is using the woman. If it wasn’t then removing the fetus wouldn’t kill it.

Does Ian really believe he could adopt a child?

I would adopt if I didn’t have to do all the paperwork and inspections. Too many hoops.

I can’t even adopt a pet. People in charge of adoptions are Nazis.

I never understood why they make you go through so much bullshit to adopt a used dog. Like shitty people aren’t going to get a free puppy off Craigslist or buy a purebred anyway, outside of their little fiefdom non-profit rescue system. You’d think they’d want to give away as many dogs as they can for a small fee because they always complain about being overloaded with them, but no…

The fetus isn’t “using” anything. It does not have the capacity to even understand the concept yet. If it wasn’t “using” air, depriving it of air wouldn’t kill it. DERP!

Use is not a cognitive function. People do use air.

Okay, the fetus isn’t “using” anyone which I debated responding, since you said the fetus is using “the woman.”

Not sure where “cognitive” came in.

(I reread my response.) WRT air, fetuses don’t breathe. I shouldn’t have put it into those terms, nor should I have said anything about understanding.

You said the fetus can’t understand the concept, implying that that had something to do with whether or not it was using the mother. Which is why I responded that cognitive ability is irrelevant.

The fetus is using the woman and doesn’t understand it. Infants are using air and don’t understand respiratory systems. Plants are using sunlight and don’t understand photosynthesis. The cognitive ability is irrelevant.
