Expanding & extending the 'Free State' concept

You vote. Therefore, you are anti-liberty.

You are not only insulting me, but all the people who’ve discovered libertarian philosophy through the political campaigns of people like Ron Paul and Harry Browne. They were able to reach as many people as they did thanks to people like me, donating and voting. I’ve been stating for decades that this is the primary reason for engaging in political campaigns.

What have YOU accomplished?

Not only do you vote, you vote for Trump.

I promoted the Libertarian Party up to and including 2016, when it still had more credibility than Trump.

This changed in 2020: the LP was hijacked by SJW-appeasing “useful idiots”, while Trump had a proven track record of improving economic freedom, counter-punching the socialist propaganda machine, holding back the Chinese Communist Party, repealing Net Neutrality, and other things that rational libertarians who understand the difference between ideals and tactics should support.

And now I’m working to turn Trump supporters towards secession.

What have YOU accomplished?

You are a clueless hack, sheep, at the very start of the Dunning-Kruger scale.

This is why I advocate for standardized tests and certifications, which would make the intellectual difference very clear…

What’s most astonishing is that you’re using the name and face of “Milton Friedman” (a milquetoast pragmatist Beltway minarchist) while pushing an 8-year-old’s understanding of Anarcho-Capitalism…

You are a 350lbs sack of dead weight for all who support freedom.

No, I carry my own weight.

You have not personally seceded so why would I support you?

You, an anonymous coward, want to get into a tax resistance dick-measuring contest with Alex Libman?

Why would I want you in my community?

“Your community”?

I have a very long and complicated relationship with the Free State Project, and I’ve been very gravely disappointed. I prefer to work alone.

But I still have some affinity and respect for individuals like Ridley, the Kannings, Ian (despite his terrible transgressions), Mark Edge, and others. That’s why I occasionally pop in.

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Just get your ass up here.

I pay zero taxes here in NJ, zero interactions with government (since I won my little civil disobedience war). I live in the woods. I have things burred in the ground all over. I know how to earn good cash and survive here without risking Federal Prison. I work on my own projects, at my own pace. I help people.

Why should I give that up just to be near people who show me no respect? I don’t need anyone.

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I’m fairly certain you are here to ruin the Shire society forum.

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why is your tribe at or moving to?
are you already there or headed there?
are we your tribe? are you hoping we join your tribe?

sounds like you might be happy there … can you connect with any of your tribe there?

Updated link. Sovereignempire.online