Leaving the foreskin on is “disgraceful and shameful for the child,”1 so we don’t want the child to suffer the shame of being buried uncircumcised.2
The Talmud tells us that those who are circumcised do not enter Gehinnom (Purgatory).3
The Midrash4 relates that Abraham sits at the gates of Gehinnomand does not permit any Jew who is circumcised to enter. However, with regard to those who were wicked but are nevertheless circumcised, G‑d “removes the foreskin of the uncircumcised babies and places it on the sinners in order that they be able to enter Gehinnom.” We mercifully save these sinners by removing the foreskin of these babies.5
There is an opinion in the Talmud6 that only males who have been circumcised will be resurrected at the time of the final redemption.7
John Hopkins, through the United States Government which promotes voluntary medical circumcision has asked health experts to promote awareness to encourage men to participate in male circumcision.
The project has already provided voluntary male medical circumcision services to 59, 093 males and it has procured a state-of-the-art VMMC mobile clinic van to provide male circumcision services in areas which have no medical facilities.
With financial support from the United States Government arm, CDC, the project is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Health since April, 2016.
It’s a bit odd that they say men should get circumcised because of “hygiene”, and at the same time tell women not to wash their vaginas out because it’s a self-cleaning system with specialized bacteria. Either the body is able to take care of itself as it’s made or not, but we’re not dealing with natural common sense here.
Weird people out there.
I raise some chickens and give 'em a good life with space and free ranging. When it comes time to harvest some it is not ritualistic or anything. Respect for the animal. Quick kill. Good meat on the table. A feeling of pride knowing you’re not supporting the mass meat industry.
Chickens are very fucked-with creatures. 'Murican’s ! are a close 2nd place. Read the following for a few similarities. You are what you eat : https://freefromharm.org/animalagriculture/chicken-facts-industry-doesnt-want-know/
“The proposal takes as a starting point that Jews are child molesters,” Dan Rosenberg Asmussen, head of the Jewish Community in Denmark, told the New York Times (paywall).
Why does religious freedom allow Jews to mutilate children’s genitals, but doesn’t allow me to take shrooms, or marry multiple wives?
Most Jews are just brainwashed from a very young age into a horrible belief system. Mostly they just seem like racists that do horrible things like neonatal circumcision, and believe it will somehow “repair the world”.
Jesus would be an example of a righteous jew. And I’m not Christian, so I’m not basing it on that.
There are probably black neo-Nazi’s, and also weird Jews who refuse to circumcise too…but statistical outliers don’t really apply to this discussion.
I’d like to think this is more of a discussion on how populations follow ridiculous customs. Jew, Muslim, poor white folk…stop cutting dick skin off for Christsake!
Independence ? Day !
The FATTIES are the problem. Actually a result of the problem. I’ve seen enough of the side-to-side waddle to be a believer.
They follow rituals like lining up for ice cream, lining up at dunkin’s, lining up at pharmacies.
35% of 'Murican’s are fat. Quite dependent I might ad, on Bud Light & ice cream & TV.
That number is much bigger for blacks : 48% are fat ! Back in 1850 NONE of the blacks were fat. Not many Murican’s were fat in 1850. Take a look in some history books. Cameras were around before the industrial revolution killed Independence. Baaaaa-d news. Some facts: https://www.usnews.com/news/data-mine/articles/2018-03-26/sharp-increase-in-obesity-rates-over-last-decade-federal-data-show The problem is a complete & total LACK of Independence. Wave those flags !!
But Larken is wrong that it is a human problem. It is a group problem.
I’ve seen this Larken Rose video, and it makes him look stupid. He really has an issue with Christians, and keeps blaming them for jewish stuff.
At 6:00 he says go read Deuteronomy 13, and claims it says to murder anyone who is not christian. He should go read Deuteronomy.
Chapters 12–26, the Deuteronomic code: Laws governing Israel’s worship (chapters 12–16a), the appointment and regulation of community and religious leaders (16b–18), social regulation (19–25), and confession of identity and loyalty (26).
He also claimed most jews don’t want to rob and murder people. If taxation is theft, then most people, including jews, are fine with robbing and murdering people.
He dismisses the chosen people stuff with whataboutism.
He should have addressed judahism, and how ritual neonatal circumcision is horrible.
He also should have addressed zionism.
At least he admits that there are a bunch of evil jews in control of a bunch of stuff. But it is pretty funny that he thinks he knows why.
And then he talks about how the world is evolving and getting better, and brings up a bunch of christian concepts. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “Love your enemy” and he talks about how that is a giant leap…um, the jews(as in the people who believe in judaism) didn’t make that leap. I agree with him that the the christian/islamic worldview that includes the teachings of jesus is much better than the jewish one.
I wonder how he would explain over 40% of packaged food in the USA being kosher certified, but less than 0.5% of the population even tries to keep a kosher diet. It’s not because of market demand. Most jewish people don’t even care.
The circumcision debate has been going on for thousands of years. And neonatal circumcision has historically been something very specific to jewish people.
Isn’t is a little bit weird that the circumcision procedure that is done today is similar to what the rabbis came up with in 140CE, to make sure the foreskin couldn’t be restored?
Some Jews tried to hide their circumcision status, as told in 1 Maccabees. This was mainly for social and economic benefits and also so that they could exercise in gymnasiums and compete in sporting events. Techniques for restoring the appearance of an uncircumcised penis were known by the 2nd century BCE. In one such technique, a copper weight (called the Judeum pondum) was hung from the remnants of the circumcised foreskin until, in time, they became sufficiently stretched to cover the glans. The 1st-century writer Celsus described two surgical techniques for foreskin restoration in his medical treatise De Medicina.[27] In one of these, the skin of the penile shaft was loosened by cutting in around the base of the glans. The skin was then stretched over the glans and allowed to heal, giving the appearance of an uncircumcised penis. This was possible because the Abrahamic covenant of circumcision defined in the Bible was a relatively minor circumcision; named milah, this involved cutting off the foreskin that extended beyond the glans. Jewish religious writers denounced such practices as abrogating the covenant of Abraham in 1 Maccabees and the Talmud.[28]
Because of these attempts, and for other reasons, a second more radical step was added to the circumcision procedure. This was added around 140 CE, and was named Brit Peri’ah. In this step, the foreskin was cut further back, to the ridge behind the glans penis, called the coronal sulcus. The inner mucosal tissue was removed by use of a sharp finger nail or implement, including the excising and removal of the frenulum from the underside of the glans.[29] Later during the Talmudic period (500–625 CE) a third step, known as Metzitzah, began to be practiced. In this step the mohel would suck the blood from the circumcision wound with his mouth to remove what was believed to be bad excess blood. As it actually increases the likelihood of infections such as tuberculosis and venereal diseases, modern day mohels use a glass tube placed over the infant’s penis for suction of the blood. In many Jewish ritual circumcisions this step of Metzitzah has been eliminated.[29]
First Maccabees tells us that the Seleucids forbade the practice of brit milah, and punished those who performed it – as well as the infants who underwent it – with death.
The 1st-century Jewish author Philo Judaeus (20 BCE - 50 CE)[30] defended Jewish circumcision on several grounds, including health, cleanliness and fertility.[31] He also thought that circumcision should be done as early as possible as it would not be as likely to be done by someone’s own free will.
It is also interesting that there is no country that bans infant male circumcision for non-therapeutic reasons.
There is a Midrash saying that Adam had no foreskin, and during the first Sin, he attracted it. This Midrash encodes the secret of Brit Mila, saying that before The Sin, Adam lived in a fully spiritual dimension called The Tree of Life or The Garden of Eden, which was full of Light without any suffering, pain or death. He had no worldly body or limitations; he was a whole spiritual being. After The Sin, Adam fell into a reality that is all about separation and illusion, and the foreskin contained the highest concentration of negative energy. This is why as long as Adam was a pure spiritual being he did not have a foreskin.
Immediately after the first Sin, negativity and darkness were created, along with the limitations of our senses and imagination, and the foreskin appeared on Adam. The moment Adam connected to the consciousness of his desire to receive for the self alone, which is an outcome of uncontrolled and immature connection the consciousness of the Tree of Knowledge, our free will (our ability to choose right from wrong) was also created.
Right after the Sin, the foreskin appeared in the world. This is because the foreskin belongs to a system characterized with negativity, limitation and end. The foreskin’s nature is to be like an all encompassing shell (Klipa – a negative force preventing access to a spiritual positive force). Unlike our body, the foreskin does not have a Tikun (soul correction) : meaning, to transform our body’s will from receiving only for oneself alone, to receiving, in order to pass it on (share). The correction of the foreskin can only be accomplished by removing it from the body and burying it in the earth.
There are three necessary stages contained in the Brit Mila:
Mila – the Mohel cuts the foreskin and removes it.
Peri’ah – The Mohel holds the skin that is left under the foreskin, pulls it backwards, and separates it in two.
Metsitsa – The Mohel takes a bit of wine into his mouth and with his lips touches the place where the circumcision was made, and then he sucks a drop of blood and spits it out wine and all. The meaning of this stage is that whatever skin is left under the foreskin contains an inner energy of negativity, and the Dinim (judgment) must be removed from it. Once this has been done, the baby’s flow of beneficial energy can commence.
The Red Wine’s Power
According to Kabbalah, the red wine symbolizes the desire to receive. This is important as one of the spiritual rules of the Universe is that, like attracts like. In keeping with this, the Mohel touches the wine (energy of the desire to receive) with his lips to the circumcision –and by doing that, he removes/attracts all the negative energy left in the place of the circumcision.
The Spiritual Power of the Brit
The Ari tells us, that the ceremony of the Brit Mila, and the meal afterward contain so much power, that it is equal to the spiritual energy earned from forty days of fasting.
The Burial of the Foreskin
According to Kabbalah, the foreskin is the symbol of the negative consciousness/energy in our world. Therefore, after the Brit we must bury the foreskin immediately in the ground. Kabbalah tells us, the earth (soil) is the only matter that has the power to eliminate/diffuse all of the foreskin’s negativity. When it is buried, it must be done with the intention of helping to diminish the negative energy in the world. All people present at the Brit benefit from the diminishment of their own negative energy, so therefore it is advisable to invite as many people as possible to participate in the ceremony of the Brit Mila, to share the positive benefits.