The Root Difference Between A Voluntaryist Anarchist and An (AnythingElse)-ist

Care to explain on who I am dependent?
Or is this just another drive-by insult?

if he responds, it will probably be something about “well, you use roads don’t you?”

Isn’t taking a shit in a toilet and flushing it when it’s connected to municipal water & sewer system theft?


I see it more as a donation. My feces is worth more than their sewage service. :sunglasses:

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I guess if you’re one of the River Campers in manchester like Patrick was talking about you could consider yourself Idependent or at least reaching hard for it.
Otherwise your most basic needs are being met by OTHER sources than yourself: Water,Sewer,Food,Heat,Do you rent?. They’ve prety much made it “law” against Independence in manchvegas. See Patricks story "Teach a Man to Fish"

Apparently the problem here is actually different definitions of the word “dependent”.
I’m using the generally accepted English definition of “requiring someone or something”.
While you seem to be defining it as “making use of someone or something”.
Would that be fair? If not, please share your definition of the word with me so we can continue the conversation with more clarity.

Under the common definition, I am not dependent on others for water, sewer, food, heat, or shelter because I am capable of providing these things for myself. The fact that I choose to engage in trade with other people for them does not make me dependent on those other people. In fact, I purchase each of these from a variety of different sources, lessening my need for any single outside resource.

Under the definition you seem to be using there could be no such things as independence, could there? All living things must consume external resources in order to survive. Even the most simple creatures depend on food sources other than themselves.

Perhaps instead of “OTHER sources” you meant “other people”. In which case all but the most primitive of people would still be incapable of independence. A truly independent man, by that definition, would be unable to use tools or materials created by others, leaving them literally in the stone age.

Does your use of a chainsaw prevent you from being independent?
Numerous other people mined the raw materials from the earth, smelted them into steel, forged that steel into the necessary shapes, assembled them into a chainsaw and transported the finished product to a location where you could acquire it. Not to mention all of the other people required to retrieve, refine and transport the gasoline that powers it (or build the solar panels and batteries required to collect and store its electricity).

Where, exactly, do you draw the line between dependence and independence?

As you so aptly put it in a previous thread: “‘law’ only exists in minds that believe in authority.” Are you now claiming it has relevance to those who don’t?

Ultimately, all of us are blessed beyond our wildest dreams to be US Citizens. You may not like government and the rules it forces upon you, left or right, but we have far more free speech and liberties than any other country on the planet. Where they lock people up or worse for political dissent.

The fact that you can live in Manchester and walk to the grocery store and home school your kid and make mad money under the table is that you get to live in this land of freedom and capitalism and opportunity.

Look where Venezuela has gone in roughly 20 short years. From the strongest economy in South America to what we see going on today. The reds are knocking on the door Samm, and your child will likely not have as many opportunities as you.

Why is it that so many immigrants can come to our country and succeed where so many of those with every opportunity afforded them here as natural born citizens choose to follow the herd and ascribe to mediocrity?

Part of the Liberty movement in NH was to bring like-minded people together to make positive political change. We’re not going to change Washington DC from the top down, we need to change it from the bottom up. When enough states demand for the same things (changes), the political elite will generally swing with it. At the end of the day, they want to get re-elected.

Though our politicians and the 19 gazillion special interest groups have us so divided as American’s right now, it’s nearly impossible to not offend or alienate somebody. Liberty moves away from all that.

I’m for Revolution not reform. The “USA” is a corporation. Being part of it and being ruled by a gang is nothing to be proud of. The “USA” is the antithesis of humanity. We as people are simply human beings. Shut that fucking TV off.

Yah, we’re divided.
I only see 2 sides though: Those who accept enslavement: Statists (anythingelse-ists) and Those who won’t accept enslavement: Anarchists (against rulers)
The truth is like a moose in the road up north,on a rainy midnight when you’re driving too fast. It’s big and it’s there. No mistaking it. When you finally see it :WHAM! It’ll hit ya’.

For the benefit of keeping The State in control by maintaining order.

Have fun trying to convince the counterfeit people that make up the political establishment that it’s in their best interest to do what you say…or else. Some people can stomach it.


Yes, others outside the United States are less free then those of us living in the US.
Yes, others outside New Hampshire are less free than those of us living in NH.
But your post highlights the nature of the (AnythingElse)-ist focusing primarily on others, while the Anarchist is focusing primarily on self.

I’m happy to concede that an infected bullet wound is much worse than a non-infected bullet wound. But that doesn’t mean I’m willing to stand still while you shoot me as long as you also offer antibiotics.

I don’t know and, more to the point, as an anarchist I’m not overly concerned about it. I’m far more concerned about about how I (and those close to me) can succeed. And, IME, it is that focus that has allowed me to succeed.

Do you realize that this statement is just as divisive? You’re arbitrarily dividing Americans and non-Americans. People are just people and the Voluntary Anarchist has already internalized that any further division is not particularly beneficial.

I knew if we drilled down far enough we’d find a root point of agreement, Samm.

I’d rather associate and argue with asshole Anarchists than give the time of day to nice-as-pie anythingelse-ists.
With that said,I think we can pull some anythingelse-ists over to the truth with strategic arguing. Aahz is good at that.

I think you’re right that it’s a corporation, but so is Manchester and NH.

I don’t feel I’m enslaved to anything.

Being ready for revolution, while I support your liberty to do it, makes you an enemy domestic.

When I see the antifa on May Day causing havoc, they ought to be rounded up and imprisoned for some amount of time. They say they want to bring down the government, but generally, their wrath is pointed at businesses and private citizens.

What does burning a few cop cars do besides increase your tax burden.

Just because I try to be polite, I don’t consider myself a nice-as-pie kind of person. I’ve by far had more hassle from state and local government than most people. Why… Because I had the courage to stand up for my convictions in public, high-profile ways.

Government at every level is too big, too powerful and too protected.

But I don’t think anarchy is the way to fix it.

If you only had two groups to associate with, Porcfesters or the Occupy Wall Street crowd, who would you hang out with?

Wow! Thought police much?
Do you really believe that merely preparing to defend oneself against a tyrannical government makes one “an enemy domestic”?
By that definition wouldn’t any government with a military therefor be “an enemy foreign”? After all, they’re doing their best to be ready for invasion.

Personally, I’d remain alone if my hanging with either in their entirety were my only choices.

However you couldn’t have easily picked two more diverse groups. And I don’t mean they diverge from each other, but rather diverse within themselves. A fairly large number of Porkfesters I’ve encountered either attended some Occupy events or expressed sympathy in many ways. In fact, both groups have had numerous schisms over the years precisely because of their internal diversity.

But let’s just focus on one small aspect of how these two groups acted.

  • Occupy Wall Street organizers allowed anyone to attend their meetings, gatherings and protests.
  • Porkfest refuses to allow people of differing opinions to attend their events.

Which strategy do you believe is more likely to lead to social change?

This guy gets it in my opinion.

Someone will always be working to ascend to the top. Bob Dylan said it best when he said, “you’re going to serve somebody.”

Capitalism isn’t perfect, but it’s far better than anything else out there.

And this is what is wrong with America…


There are these unknown gangs in Chicago that are using violence and threats of violence to take people’s money and force them to have sex against their will. So, obviously, we should send in a bigger gang that also uses threats of violence to take people’s money and put these Chicago gangsters in cages where they are 30 to 40 times more likely to be forced to have sex against their will*.

(*The Chicago Police Department reports 718 criminal sexual assaults among a population of over 2,000,000 people. The federal Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that 3.2% of jail inmates and 4.0% of prison inmates are sexually victimized.)

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PB didn’t argue in favor of taxation, or even prisons, and the gangs in Chicago aren’t “unknown”. He is merely pointing out (possibly unintentionally) that Chicago is in the throes of anarchy, which begets violent, unconstrained gangs. He argues the gangs should be suppressed by pro-civilization forces (although leaving Chicago alone is also instructive about tight gun control, collectivist politics, democracy, and leftist social policies…so there’s an argument to do nothing). :slight_smile:

You make it sound like Anarchy is something that doesn’t exist until we put it into play. This will help you to see the truth which is the powerful realization that you own yourself: Anarchy ( actually Anarchism) is all that has ever existed in humanity. It’s because it is the un-dying truth. The LIE is upon us and is making people think that “authority” is what we must follow.(statism) . “authority” doesn’t even exist. Only GANGS do. Which is what your “government” is . Every branch and every part of it. And you let it control you.
You say that “being ready for revolution makes me an enemy domestic”. Well of course it does.
It makes me and every non-believer in statism an enemy to those that believe we should all have masters to bow to. You either support having a master or you don’t. THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN. Pick one.
Anarchism forces nothing onto you. Statism forces everything it supports onto everyone else.
I feel like you’re frustrated with things (rightfully so) and may be close to getting this. Otherwise I don’t waste my time with the completely “blind sheep”. Us Anarchists know that it is very important for people like yourself to grasp this truth. It’s not the dark side you’ll be coming to. It’s the most beautiful thing ,next to Love ,that you will see.
I can only warn you though, that when you figure it out , you will be able to see evil more clearly, and may be overwhelmed at how well organized this evil is. The truth is going to see us through however.
Sincerely, Samm